" Guys! Not now! Sit down Chanyeol and continue." She glares. Chanyeol stood staring at the other one more time before sitting down. " Anyways, I sat down at their table and was only trying to greet them when this guy came and said things before attacking. I only defended myself here Mrs."

The principle nods. " Taehyung?"

Now all of the attention is on Taehyung. Hoseok worried and Jimin as well. Taehyung's heart kept beating and he felt even more nervous. " Yes ma'am?"

" Is this true?" She asks.

" No ma'am. I didn't attack him first, he did. I simply insulted him because he was bothering my best friend." Taehyung said telling the truth of course. Chanyeol sucked his teeth and rolled his eyes.

" Jimin?" The principle invites him to begin his side.

" Taehyung's telling the truth Ma'am. I-I was being bothered and he only wanted to help him. I didn't mean to get him in trouble.." Jimin explains nibbling at his lips once he finished. " Hoseok and I were trying to stop them from fighting and then-"

" And then I came to help them out." Jungkook interrupts. "I attacked Chanyeol and was able to protect them from him. Clearly you should consider me of much help for protecting them from a bully." After Jungkook finished talking Chanyeol stood up abruptly, slamming his hands on the table. " A bully!? You are one to talk Jeon fucking Jungkook. You back stabbing ass-"

" That's enough! Sit down Chanyeol!" The principle yells and turns her attention on Jungkook who smirks. " And you Jungkook, The policy in my school is against any form of violence. No one starts a fight, and if a fight is started on you don't fight back and you guys go to get help. You two will be suspended. Chanyeol for one week and Taehyung for two days. Jungkook you will be dismissed for now since you were trying to help. But doing this again will get you in serious trouble, mock my words young man."

And it was decided. Jimin's only source of protection and comfort will be taken away for the next two days. What will he do now?
His eyes started to sting as tears threaten to fall. He looks over at Taehyung with a sad look, immediately rushing to his friend and hugging him. " This isn't fair.." Jimin whimpers But only for Taehyung to hear, whom hugs him back. " It's okay Jimin. It's only two days, and besides I'll be relaxing. I'm not going to be gone okay?" And the two walk out of the office together, Hand in hand because Jimin decided to at least escort Taehyung towards the exit. Hoseok tags along with them, something Jungkook wanted to do but only stared at them and only dreamed. Chanyeol stayed back with the principle to argue about his " unfair" result.


Close towards the end of the day, Jimin was on his last class trying to stop himself from crying over getting Taehyung in trouble. Evil peers in front and behind him didn't help his situation as they snicker and whisper negative comments about him as always. He shouldn't be paying attention to a bunch of followers who possibly won't even have a better life than him in the future, but it was all honestly too hard on him. The small male stares intensely at the rounded clock on the wall, waiting for school to end so that he can go over to Taehyung's house and check up on him. And when it did ring Jimin felt more than happy to jump up and escape the toxic people in his classroom. The small boy speed walked towards the exit and out of the discomforting building. He thought about things to do with Taehyung and concluded that he should buy a pack of uno cards and some snacks. But then he feels a tap on his shoulder making him turn to look at the person. He met Jungkook's soft and innocent looking smile and he imagined himself ducking to the ground like if Jungkook was a bomb thrown at him. " Hey~" Jungkook greets making Jimin force a smile. " Hi.."

' How am I so unlucky?' Thought Jimin to himself waiting to see what Jungkook wanted with him.

" I'm sorry about your friend Jimin, he didn't deserve that." Jungkook says walking along with the other. Sure Jimin agreed and felt sad but technically two days wasn't a big deal enough for Jungkook to come and say his sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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