Yandere!America x Japan - The Basement

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A/N: This oneshot was requested by nashidrangeel1! Thanks for requesting, and I hope you enjoy the story!

(Taiwan's name is Mei.)

"Alfred!" Kiku ran over to his best friend Alfred, tears in his eyes. Alfred hugged Kiku, and he felt... comforted. The happiest he'd been, if you could even call it that, since ten days ago...

"What happened, Kiku?" Alfred asked, concern touching his voice.

"It's Mei. She went missing a week ago, and I don't know... I don't know where she went..." Kiku's voice broke, and he felt Alfred pull him closer.

"Have the police found anything?"

"N- no. There's no trace, she just disappeared! And all of her stuff's gone too..."

There was a pause where Kiku's mind whirred terribly. A thought that had never occurred to him now found its way into his head. Of course. How stupid could he have been?

"Alfred." Kiku shivered, almost too scared to put it into words. "Do you think... do you think she ran away? Because of me?"

Alfred paused uncertainly. "I don't know, Kiku. But maybe... maybe she didn't love you as much as you thought she did."

Kiku, whose face was buried in Alfred's shoulder, could never have seen the grin that flitted across Alfred's face... the flash of murder in his electric blue eyes...

Back at his house, Alfred picked his nails with the knife, a maniacal grin working its way across his face. Just ten days ago, that knife had touched flesh...

He placed his legs on the desk of his basement "study", then threw his head back and laughed. It was a terrifying sound, nothing like what Kiku or Arthur or any of his friends were used to. It was the laugh of a murderer.

His plan had worked. Thanks to his instincts and his smarts, Mei was gone. Disposed of. It was only a matter of time until Kiku was his, his forever. They would have so much fun together...


Alfred scowled, broken out of his fantasies by the doorbell ringing upstairs. He rolled his eyes, then threw down the knife and headed out of the basement, being absolutely sure to lock the door.

"Kiku?" Alfred asked in surprise, returned to his cheerful demeanor, as he opened the door to the Japanese man. His face was tear-stained but it had no emotion. He simply looked... dead. Alfred made a silent vow to kill whoever had done that to him.

"What's wrong?" Alfred panicked. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Kiku said in that tone of voice that meant he was not fine. There was a pause, then Kiku spoke again. "I have to get away, Alfred. I can't live in my house anymore, it just reminds me of... of Mei..."

Alfred waved Kiku inside. "What do you need?"

"Can I maybe... maybe stay here?"

Alfred felt ecstatic. Kiku, staying at his house? He could imagine nothing better. But he made sure to keep his voice casual when he said, "Of course, Kiku. Anything you need."

"Thank you. You were my first choice, I've stayed here before anyway..."

"Do you have your stuff?" Alfred asked. 

Kiku nodded silently and brought out a small duffel bag. "That was all I could bear to bring with me."

"You might want to get unpacked. You can have the guest room, it's right next to the master..."

"Arigatō, Alfred." Kiku said weakly, then trudged up the stairs. Alfred started to follow him. He passed the basement door on the way, though, and could not help a small grin...

That night, Kiku retired early. Alfred was slightly disappointed, since he'd wanted to watch a horror movie or play a video game with him, but of course he understood. Besides, it was much easier to plan if Kiku had gone upstairs early.

After all the lights on the street were turned off, and nearly everyone was in bed, Alfred finally left the basement. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, then stole a look at the clock. 12:03. It was high time to head to bed...

Upstairs, he was about to push open his own door when he noticed that the door to Kiku's room was slightly ajar. He smiled, then slipped inside the room. He heard Kiku's breathing, even and undisturbed. He was definitely asleep, but the covers were thrown off him and he was shivering. Alfred gently covered Kiku, then kneeled next to him and looked him right in the face. There was something magical about Kiku asleep. He was peaceful, calm. There was not a trace of fear on his face, just how Alfred liked it. He reached out and twirled a strand of Kiku's silky black hair around his finger. He longed to run his hand through Kiku's hair, but that would of course wake him up. Alfred traced a finger down his cheek. Kiku shivered in his sleep but did not wake up.

Alfred, deciding that was enough for one night, gently kissed Kiku on the forehead, then left the room. One day, and one day soon, he would slip into bed next to Kiku...

He could not wait for that day.

Hi there! This oneshot was requested by nashidrangeel1. Sorry if it was a bit short, but I felt like writing it without a concrete plot in mind. I hope you liked it!

If anyone else has a request, read the first part, where I outline the rules and whatnot.


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