Chapter 33

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(Y/N)'s Pov

"So, what was Light doing to you?" L asked as we went down the stairs to the main room.

'Should I tell him? I have to do this on my own. And if Light over hears...
But he's all the way on the top floor, so...'

"H-He th-threatened m-me a-again..." I whisper.

"He did? What did he say?"

"H-He w-wanted m-me t-to f-find out y-your r-real name a-and t-tell h-him so h-he can k-kill you. I-If I d-don't co-operate w-with L-Light, h-he says h-he's g-gonna k-kill me a-and have the Sh-Shinigami k-kill you!" I grab L's arm.

"H-He r-really does kn-know my f-full n-name!! I-I'm s-stuck here! Wh-What d-do I do?!"

I start crying as L puts his hands on my shoulders.

"Calm down (Y/N)", he says.

"Y-You p-probably d-don't even b-believe me!!"

"I know he did something to hurt you (Y/N). You were crying after all. But-"

"S-See?! I-I knew y-you w-wouldn't b-believe me..."

"It's not that..."

L put his thumb to his lip in thought.

"I have to think of a plan", he said.

"I-I'm s-sorry...It's a-all my f-fault..." I say quietly, looking at the floor.

"It's no one's fault but Light's", L said.

"H-How d-do I g-get out of th-this?" I ask.

"I have an idea, but it may be risky..." L said.

I turn to L.

"Wh-What is it?"

-Time Skip-

Light's Pov

I walk down the remainder of the stairs and I reach the main room. Although, I could only see (Y/N) and not L...

'Are they planning something? They better not be...'

I walk over to (Y/N) and sit next to her.

"So, where's L? What are you planning?" I whisper to (Y/N).

"H-He said h-he had t-to g-get s-some p-p-papers", (Y/N) says, fiddling with my (H/C) hair.

"Oh really? Then that's good for us then", I lean closer to (Y/N) and kiss her cheek.

(Y/N)'s Pov

'I have to keep the act up! Even if Light does these things to me!!'

"I-I've found o-out L's r-real n-name", I say.

Light grew a smirk on his face.

"Good. Now tell me!"


'I had to make up a name!'


"What's his last name?"

I began sweating badly.

"How do I know you're telling the truth (Y/N)? You of all people have grown very close to L. Are you really going to betray him?" Light asked.

"Y-You've l-let m-me no ch-choice!!" I say. "As m-much as I h-hate to, I-I have to d-do this!" I reply.

I sigh and take a deep breath...

"H-His f-full n-name is L-Leo G-Gordon..." I lie.

"Perfect. You are a good little girl (Y/N). You give into everything because you are so weak!" Light started laughing.

I cover my face with my hands to try and make the situation a little more believable.

I saw Light take out the piece of the notebook hidden in his watch.

"Farewell, L!" He said.

"Stop right there!" L came out of his hiding place, behind me and in front of Light.

At that moment, Matsuda and Aizawa came out from their hiding places, behind Light and in front of me.
Matsuda was holding a gun, whilst Aizawa was holding handcuffs.

"I should have known this was all a plan", Light said.

"You were Kira all along. You did well to trick us all. I'm sure you know that Mr Matsuda and Mr Aizawa sleep one floor above this room, so we easily informed them of this plan", L said.

Light's eyes narrowed.

It was then Light pulled out a gun himself, and attempted to shoot L!

Instead, I jumped in front of him and took the bullet in the arm.

"(Y/N)!" L yelled.

"Where did he get that gun?!" Matsuda asked.

Light then used this as an opportunity to escape from the building.
Matsuda tried to shoot him but missed.

"He's getting away!" Aizawa yelled.

Him and Matsuda ran after Light.

L was at my side.

"G-Go after h-him!" I say.

"I can't! I have to make sure you're okay (Y/N)!" L replied.

"I-I'm okay...I p-promise..."

"I am very grateful that you risked your life to save me by taking that bullet. Thank you (Y/N)".

"W-We w-were all r-risking our l-lives to c-catch Kira anyway...a-and you d-did say th-that your p-plan was r-risky..." I say.

I see L form a small, sad smile.
I also caught tears coming to his eyes.

I reach up and cup his cheek as a tear rolls down L's cheek.

"P-Please don't c-cry...!" I say. "T-Trust me, i-it's just a g-graze!"

"I'm sorry..."

"G-Go after L-Light...!" I say.

"I'm calling an ambulance", L said.

-Meanwhile with Light-

Light's Pov

'Dammit! I should have saw this coming! I guess I let my feelings towards (Y/N) got the better of me. I do really like her...'

I continued to run until I was shot in the arm, which slowed me down a bit.

I kept running...

Where was I running to?

Why was I still running? They know who I am now...

Eventually, they caught up with me...

"It's all over Light", Aizawa said, as he put the handcuffs on me.

"Why Light? Why?" Matsuda was obviously really upset. He had faith in me.

'I hope you have a good life (Y/N)...I really did think we could have been good friends...'

(A/N): This chapter is shorter than I thought it would be. Sorry about that. Anyways, this story is almost finished! I appreciate you guys for reading!

~Cringey ♡

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