Chapter 29

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(Y/N)'s Pov

-a few hours later-

The plan was going perfectly.

The thing had fallen down revealing Matsuda's face.

Higuchi had tried calling Misa. Obviously to get Matsuda's real name. And of course, Misa rejected all of his calls.

We soon noticed that Higuchi has the same power as the second Kira...

We spot Higuchi getting into one of his cars and started driving.

"Let's go and join in the fun too, shall we?" L said, standing up.

He began tying Misa up in restraints.

"I'm sorry to have to do this to you Misa, but you'll have to stay restrained for a while", L said.


"Yuki, I need you to go to the Sakura TV building and help Mr Yagami. Higuchi will go there. And plus, this is Kira. Who knows what he is capable of?" L said, taking off the handcuffs connecting him to me.

"Uh...O-Okay", I say, heading out and hoping into a car outside headquarters. I drove as fast as I could, without breaking the speed limit, to the Sakura TV building.

Chances are, L and Light are getting to ride in one of those helicopters that are hidden on the roof of the taskforce building.
Lucky them.

I managed to get to the Sakura TV building before Higuchi did. Mr Yagami spotted me.

"Yuki. Good to see you. I need you to help me here", he said.

I nod.

He was planning on replacing the real Matsuda and the announcer with dummies, like we did before when Matsuda faked his death.

I helped Mr Yagami get the dummies and put them in place.

"Now, we have to stay back and wait for Higuchi", Mr Yagami said.

Soon enough, Higuchi came into the building and started looking around.

This was it...

Mr Yagami and I stepped out of our hiding place and stood in front of Higuchi, blocking his way.
I had told Mr Yagami about Higuchi having the same power as the second Kira, so we were both wearing tinted helmets to protect ourselves.

I was holding a gun to him. I really shouldn't be though. I mean, I'm probably not a police officer anymore.

"There has to be some kind of mistake", Higuchi said. "I came to see Mr Demegawa and discuss something with him".

"Let me show you my business card. I'm from Yotsuba", he said, rummaging through his bag.

Higuchi then pulled out a gun and fired it at me.

Mr Yagami jumped in front of me and was struck in the arm by the bullet.
Higuchi made a run for it.

I couldn't go after him! I had to tend to Mr Yagami!

I call L.

"R-Ryuzaki! H-H-Higuchi h-has a g-g-gun on h-him! M-Mr Y-Yagami h-has b-been sh-shot! H-Higuchi is e-escaping!" I try my hardest to get the words out as I was panicking.

"I'm alright", Mr Yagami said. "Sorry Ryuzaki".

"Don't lose sight of him guys!" We hear Light say in the background.

They probably are in the helicopter now.

I quickly but carefully helped Mr Yagami up and brought him to the car I was driving in. I then drove off after Higuchi.

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