Chapter 30

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(Y/N)'s Pov

It had been a crazy day!

I was sitting in front of a computer, with my head on the desk in front of it. I was still trying to wrap my head around all of this...

L was sitting next to me, stacking sugar cubes. Light was sitting next to L.

Aizawa was looking through the notebook Higuchi had.

"How to use it: The human who's name is written in this notebook, shall die!"
Aizawa read out.
"This note will not take affect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his or her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected."

This notebook really makes me think.
It's beyond science!

"Also", Aizawa began, flipping through the notebook to the back page. "There's two rules here on the back:

If you make this note unusable by tearing it up or burning it, all the humans who have touches the note till then will die."

"Is that really true Aizawa?!" Matsuda gasped.

"Yeah. That's what it says. And this last rule:

If the owner of the note fails to consecutively write names of people to be killed within 13 days, then the user will die..."

"Wait! That means that Light and Misa Misa have been cleared right?!" Matsuda said excitedly.

"Yeah, that's right. Light and Misa were confined for more than 50 days. If either of them were Kira, there's no way they'd still be alive by now", Aizawa said.

"Rem, was it?" L said. "Are there more than one notebook in the human world?"

Rem, who was also standing in the taskforce building with us, turned to face L.

"Who knows. There might be and there might not be", Rem replied.

"And all notebooks have the same rules?" L asked.

"Yes", Rem said.

Light's Pov

'You're wasting your time Ryuzaki! You'll never get Rem to confess to these fake rules I created! So don't even try!'

It was silent for a moment, before Aizawa stepped forward.

"Ryuzaki, this proves it! Light and Misa should be cleared as suspects!"

L didn't speak. He just continued to stack sugar cubes.

"I understand", he finally said. "Please accept my apologies for all the trouble".

'And just like that, Misa and I are proven innocent. All because of the fake rules I created. This was all part of my plan to save Misa'.

"Well, we can't say that we've solved everything just yet", I say. "Would I still be able to investigate this case without the handcuffs?"

"Yes", L replied, taking off the handcuffs.

-Later that night-

It was time for us to say goodbye to Misa, since she was now free of suspicion.

"Oh Light! Be sure to text me okay?" She said, hugging me.

"Misa..." I whisper very quietly.

I looked around, checking for L's security cameras, but being careful not to look suspicious.



"You know her, right?"

"Y-Yeah. We met on an airplane".

"Good. Now, I want you to tell me her full name".

"But why?"

Misa's memories of the Death Note haven't returned. So she's probably confused about this. But I need to know.

"Just tell me. I thought you would do anything I said!"

"O-Okay! I'll tell you! Her full name is (F/N) (L/N)"

My eyes widened.


"Good. Thank you Misa", I say.

We all said goodbye to Misa and made our way back into the taskforce building.

(Y/N)'s Pov

I noticed L looking through the notebook. He was holding it upside down.

He was talking to Rem.

"A small piece of the notebook has been torn out. Tell me, can someone still die after having their names written on a piece?" L asked.

"Can't say. I've never tried anything like that and I don't know of anyone who has", Rem replied.

'But you're a Shinigami! I thought you would know something like this!' I thought.
I was having my suspicions against Rem...

L put the notebook down and stood up. He made his way to the stairs

"Wh-Wh-Where are y-you g-going?" I asked, going after him

"To see Watari", L simply replied. "Please do not follow me".

"O-Okay", I reply, stopping.

'Something's not right here. L's always spoken to Watari through the computer, throughout this whole case. Maybe it's a very important thing that he has to talk to him about. I couldn't help but get a little nervous'.

-A few hours later-

It had started to rain outside.

L had been gone for hours. I started to get really worried. I wanted to go and find him and check if everything was okay, but he told me not to follow him and I didn't want him to get angry at me.

I kept thinking about whether I should go and look for him or not and I eventually made my decision. I stood up from my seat and headed upstairs.

"Where are you going (Y/N)?"

I froze at the sound of my real name. I turn to see Light and my eyes narrowed a little.

"I-I'm g-going t-to b-bed!" I lie, fidgeting.

"Okay then", Light replied, with a small smirk.

'Something's happened to Light again'.

I head upstairs. I didn't know where Watari's room was, so what did I do? Checked absolutely every room.

Eventually, after what felt like ages, I found Watari's room.

"Yuki. What are you doing here?" Watari turned around to look at me.

"U-Um...S-Sorry t-to b-barge i-in h-here, b-but..."

I notice that L wasn't in here.

"Wh-where's R-Ryuzaki?" I ask.

"He said he had to step outside for a bit", Watari replied.

'What?! L's outside?! What's going on inside his head?! Plus, it's raining! He's gonna get soaked if he stays outside!'

"I-Is h-he o-okay?" I ask.

"You should see for yourself", Watari replied with a smile. "I know that he trusts you Yuki".

I was about to run back down the stairs, when Watari stopped me.

"He's not outside the entrance".

'What? Then that could only mean...'

I sprinted upstairs to the roof of the taskforce.
As I reached the top, I started gasping for breath.

The rain had picked up quite a bit and I was drenched within seconds.

And that's when I noticed L standing there alone...

(Death Note) - The Socially Awkward Girl - (An L X Reader Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora