Chapter 18

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Light's Pov

I push the call button and hold my phone to my ear.

I was trying so hard to keep myself from laughing!

I've won!


I could hear Misa's phone ringing...

What? How?!

I turn around to where the noise was coming from.

I spot L and Yuki...

L was holding...Misa's phone?!

I gasped.

'He took it when all the people were around! Bastard!'

(Y/N)'s Pov

"W-Why do y-you have th-that?" I ask L, pointing to the phone in his hand.

L ignored me and answered the phone.


No response.


I soon spot Light coming over to us.

"What do you mean 'hello?'" Light asked.

"Oh! Is that you Light?" L asked. "I guess someone must have dropped this phone in all of the commotion earlier".

'I get it now! L stole Misa's phone when we were all distracted by the people earlier! That's probably why he ended up touching her butt!' I thought.

"Yeah. That's Misa's cell phone", Light said. He was now directly behind us.
"I can give it back to her".

"I see. That makes sense", L said, turning the phone off and giving it to Light, before walking away again.
I quickly follow him.

'L obviously knows something here', I thought. 'Why else would he take Misa's phone?'

Light's Pov

' probably think you're pretty clever right now. But Misa has another phone you don't know about. I'll just call that one instead'.


Light's Pov

"Misa, give me your phone number", I say.

"About time! What took you so long?! Give me yours too!"

"No Misa. I can't do that".

"Why not?! I'm your girlfriend! I should have your number!"

I sigh.

"The police can bug even cell phones!" I say. "It's not hard for them to do that!"

Misa sighed.

"Oh I know! I'll just give you one of my phones!"

Misa handed me a small phone.

"I ended up with three of them, because I use them for different things".

"Good idea Misa. If we use yours, I think we'll be safe".

-End of flashback-

(Y/N)'s Pov

I hear another phone ring in L's pocket.

'Don't tell me he stole another phone!' I thought.

"This is actually my own cell phone", L says quietly to himself, taking the phone out of his pocket.

'Phew', I let out a sigh of relief.

I watched as L answered his phone.

"Yes? Yes, I see. So it's done then? I understand", L said.

I just tilted my head in confusion.

L hung up and put his phone back in his pocket.

'That was certainly a short conversation!' I thought.

L turned around and appeared to be looking at something. I turn myself around to see Light standing in front of us.

"I don't know how to put this, but regarding Misa Amane, there is something both of you should know", L looked at Light and then to me.

"We have brought Misa in for interrogation on suspicion of being the second Kira", L said.

I gasped and began to shake.

'No! Misa...!'

'Stop (Y/N)!' I thought, trying to remain calm. 'She could be a mass murderer! You have to remain calm! This is part of your job!'

It made sense that she would be a suspect as well. The physical evidence L and I went through match up to Misa...
And why would Light try to call her straight after she met L and I?

I try to hold back my emotions but it was quite hard. I was starting to feel okay when I first met Misa.

I spot Light who looked pretty shocked too!

"Are you okay Yuki?" L asked me, turning to me.

"Huh? O-Oh! Y-Yeah!" I say, looking at the ground.

L just gave me a concerned look.

Light's Pov

'How long has he known about Misa?!' I thought. 'I never thought he'd find her so quickly!'

"We gathered physical evidence from the tapes that were sent by the second Kira", L said. "We gathered hair and fibres and they matched what we found in Misa's room".

'Dammit! I should have gotten rid of everything that could have lead to Misa getting caught!' I thought.
'I know now...L thought it would be best if he came to me face to face instead of trying to hide!'

'But wait...I'm not ready to give up yet! The real battle is only just beginning...L...'

(A/N): Sorry this chapter is quite shorter than the last couple, but I will make the more exciting parts happen in the next chapter. Stay tuned!

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