Chapter 2

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"AUGGH" you scream as you put your head in your hands, you would not think about that, it was in the past and now you can help others.

The only good thing that came from your time at HYDRA was your ice powers- you could create and manipulate ice and you were using your powers to help the city of New York.

You sigh, get up and go to the bathroom, you turn on the water and let the ice cold droplets hit your back. The cold never seemed to effect you now in-fact it usually gave you a power boost.

You step out and dry yourself off, throwing on a pair on black jeans, a blue t shirt and a grey hoodie.
You go to your bag to check your 'suit' was in there.

You call it a suit but really it's just a black hoodie with blue glitter that only shows up in certain light on it- (iridescent??) and a blue buff you use to cover your nose and mouth- it's a miracle no one as found out your identity yet.

You grab a cereal bar and your back pack and step outside. You pause after your phone buzzes you pull it out and find a text from one of your best friends - Peter Parker-
*hey y/n! Do you have my English book , I think I left it at your house.. oops! :/*
You sigh and open the door again, of course he forgot it! You grab the book and rush outside and begin to walk to school

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