Chapter Three

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Date: October 1st, 2018
Time: 6: 03 pm
Subject: It's personal

It's something personal, I mean, why would I tell a complete stranger I just met about my problems? Anyway, you're pretty attractive for a cocky gender assume-er. Is that girl your sister or something? Also, I think I've seen your mom before. Is that strange? I'm sorry if that sounds a bit stalkerish.
- Andro

I bite my lip, trying to hold back a smile. Why would she know my mom? Maybe she was at the hospital before?

"Micheal, what are you doing in there? I thought I told you to go take a shower." My mom calls.

I respond with, "Nothing." I turn off my computer and get my towel, heading to the bathroom.

~<•>~ (a/n: time skip cuz I'm lazy...)

Date: October 2nd, 2018
Time: 2: 34 am
Subject: I'm bored...

To answer your question, you might know her because she's a nurse at the St. Louis hospital. I'm pretty sure your friend goes to the same hospital my mom works in. Wait, are you the one that my mom was talking about last year? The one in the fire? I'm sorry if I'm prying into your life so much but you don't have to answer  that if you don't want to.

Anyway, let's play a game, we ask each other questions—that we're comfortable answering, of course—and we have to answer them truthfully. And the question that we ask, the person who asks it has to answer back, if they can. I'll go first, favorite color? Mine's yellow.

I lay there on my bed for a while, rereading the email I just sent, refreshing, waiting for her to answer back. After what seemed like hours I get an email notification, I quickly press the notification and read the email. Ugh... it's just a promotion... I think, disappointed.

Then, another notification pops up. I open the email.

Date: October 2nd, 2018
Time: 2: 47 am
Subject: Ooh, a game?

My friend does go to St. Louis hospital, and so did I. I don't know why I'm telling you this, but I guess my instincts are telling me to trust you, and my instincts never disappoint. A year ago there was a fire in my house, I was almost burned to death, 😒 but I don't wanna talk about that. It's too depressing and difficult to even talk about. It was actually at the hospital where I met my friend, her name's Anita. She's really funny and sweet, I knew we would become instant friends.

Anyway, my favorite color; you know that rainbow like thing that happens on the street with gasoline? I don't know if that's even considered a color but I guess that's my favorite. And yellow? You're the first person I met that likes that color.

Have any pets? I used to own I bunny but... the fire.

I wince when I read the last two words, frowning. I felt bad for her, she lost so many things in that fire. Pictures, games, clothes, a pet... being able to show her face. But she still can, can't she? I decided not to question her on that as I wrote an email back to her, telling her that I never owned a pet. After hitting send I waited for her to email back and fell asleep.

Aw, poor Andro, she's been threw a lot. (^^)
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