#3: Ashton Imagine for Naimah

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#3: Ashton Imagine for Naimah

Ashton had been on tour for almost three months now. You were finishing up school so you weren't able to go with him. You were extremely happy for him but the distance was killing you. You had never been apart this long and you still had three months to go.

Your thoughts were interrupted by Ashton's familiar ring tone playing through your phone. You picked up the phone with a sad smile on your face. "Hey baby!" Ashton's sweet voice chirped in your ear. "Hey Ash," you answered. Your voice must have displayed your sadness, because Ashton quickly started rambling, "Naimah? What's wrong? Are you okay?" You quickly answered, "Yeah I'm fine. I just miss you Ash. I hate being away from you. I don't know if I can deal with this for three more months," you sighed. "I know baby, I hate it too. I promise you, it won't even seem like three months. I'll be home and you'll be in my arms in no time, okay? I gotta go do sound check, but I'll talk to you later. I love you," Ashton said reassuringly. "Okay. Good luck, I love you too Ashton." You hung up the phone, feeling a little better, but not much. 

The next morning, when you woke up, you were confused by the smell of pancakes that was filling your tiny flat. You figured it was probably your best friend. She knew you had been lonely lately and had been trying to cheer you up. Since she had a key to your flat, she often came unexpectedly. You quickly threw on some jean shorts and one of Ashton's tees before heading downstairs to greet your friend.

When you walked into the kitchen, you screamed and your jaw nearly dropped to the floor, instantly recognizing your curly-haired boyfriend, standing in front of the oven making breakfast. "ASHTON!" you screamed, quickly running and jumping into his arms. He caught you, his arms tightly around your waist as he spun you around with a wide, dimpled grin. "Hi baby," greeted you. "But-but how? What?" you questioned excitedly. "I caught talked to our managers, then caught the first flight I could. I missed you too much."  "I'm so glad you're home!" you said, placing a sweet kiss on his lips. He kissed you back before smiling into the kiss. "How long will you be here?" you asked, biting your lip. "Only a few days, but I'm going to visit more I promise. By the way," he added smirking, "You look really good in my shirt." You smacked him half-heartedly on the arm, before placing another kiss on his lips.

A/N: Here you go love! I hope you like it :) inbox me if you guys want a personal imagine! Love you, Emmy xx

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