#2: Niall Imagine for Emilie

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#2: Niall Imagine for Emilie

You stared at the mirror, observing your body. All you could see were flaws, little imperfections that were all over in your eyes. You weren't sure how you had ever managed to get an amazing boyfriend like Niall. It certainly didn't feel like you deserved him.

You had always been insecure about your looks, but that feeling was just emphasized when you started dating Niall. He was sweet of course-he told you all the time how beautiful you were-but you received a lot of hate from fans, usually nasty comments about your looks. Today was especially bad, which is why you were in your current situation.

You continued examining your body, listing off in your head all the things you didn't like. You didn't notice when the door opened. You suddenly felt familiar arms wrap around your waist, and met your boyfriend's beautiful blue eyes in the mirror, his chin resting on your shoulder. You could tell he was upset. He knew exactly what you had been doing. "Why do you do this to yourself princess?" he asked quietly. You looked to the ground before answering, "I get so much hate. Everyone says I'm not pretty and it hurts so much. I already don't like how I look, do they really have to point out how imperfect I am?" You met his gaze once more, tears pooling up in your eyes.

He paused before speaking, "I love your feet, how tiny they are and how your toes curl up when I touch your feet, because your so ticklish. I love your legs, how good they look in shorts and skinny jeans, and pretty much anything. I love your stomach, how you giggle whenever I poke it. I love your arms, how you wrap them around my neck so tightly when we hug. I love your hands, how you play with my hair when we cuddle, and grab my arm when your intimidated or nervous. I love your eyes, I could literally look at them all day if that wasn't creepy," you giggled at this before he continued, "I love your hair, how it always is so soft and smells like your shampoo," he paused to place a kiss on the top of your head. "I love your nose, how it scrunches up when you laugh," he kissed your nose, "I love your cheeks, how they turn bright red when I compliment you," a kiss on each cheek, "and I love your lips, which fit perfectly with mine." He placed a kiss on your lips.

He pulled away, placing his hands on your waist and leaning his forehead against yours, before continuing once more, "I love your personality. You're so selfless, and caring, and smart, and sweet. And most importantly, I love you. Please don't ever forget that. I love you and everything about you. If I have to tell you I love you and remind you how beautiful you are every day for the rest of my life to get you to believe it, I will," he finished. "I'm really god damned lucky to have you, you know that? I love you too, Niall. So, so much," you said smiling, a blush creeping up on your cheeks.

A/N: Well this is for @hotforhorannn! I hope you love it! I just killed myself with feels. Sorry I didn't get around to using your name! You really are gorgeous btw! And Niall girls: I am truly sorry right now omigod. If y'all want a personal imagine, message me or comment with your name, a boy (one direction or five seconds of summer), and a situation (which is optional)! 

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