#1: Calum Imagine for Kalista

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#1: Calum Imagine for Kalista (@Kali15324)

You currently were sitting on the couch, waiting for your boyfriend, Calum, to pick you up and drive to Luke's house to hang out with the other boys. You heard a knock on the door and got up to greet Calum. When he stepped inside, you went to give him a kiss like usual, but he just turned his head and rolled his eyes. "Let's go," he said, not even saying hello. You were slightly worried but figured he was just tired.

The short drive to Luke's house was a silent and awkward one. When you finally got there, Calum didn't open you door for you like he usually did, and instead just waited for you to get out of the car. You walked inside together and sat down after greeting the boys. Michael asked to play video games. The boys looked at you to make sure it was okay. "Yeah go ahead. I'll go make some popcorn," you answered with a smile. You returned from the kitchen shortly and sat down next to Calum. You layed your head on his shoulder. "Kalista get off please," Calum said, his eyes focused on the video game. "Sorry you usually don't mind when I do that," you answered quietly, sitting up. "Well maybe you should stop being so damn clingy." "Sorry I guess I'll just go home then," you said as you got up. You quickly walked out the door before tears started falling. You immediately regretted not bringing a jacket with you, as it was cold. 

"Kalista! Please wait!" you heard a voice yell behind you as you started the walk back to your flat. "What do you want Calum?" asked, stopping and looking behind you. Calum quickly jogged to where you were standing on the sidewalk with your arms crossed and tears running down your face. "Kali, why are you crying?" he asked with concern in his voice. "Why do you think, asshole?" you answered. "Look I'm really sorry okay. I've been a fucking idiot today. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, it's just-the boys kept calling me whipped and making fun of me for talking about you so much, so I tried to kind of back off. But it was stupid and I shouldn't have treated you like that. You deserve to be treated like a fucking princess, and I didn't realize that until now. Please forgive me?" At this, you threw you arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face in the crook of your neck. "I forgive you Calum. Just don't do it again," you said quietly. "I won't. I love you so much beautiful," he said. "I love you too," you answered before placing a kiss on his lips. You heard a chorus of "aw's" in the background and pulled away to see Ashton, Michael, and Luke staring at you guys from the doorway. As you walked back in holding hands with Calum, he smacked Luke on the back of the head, earning a laugh from you and the other two boys.

The boys threw in a movie, and you cuddled with Calum for the rest of the night.

A/N: Hope you like it Kalista! I had fun writing it. Remember, if you guys want one, comment or inbox me with your name, a boy, and a situation (optional but appreciated). Love, Emmy xx

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