We Open at the Close

Start from the beginning

"Believe me, I'm strongly considering the latter," muttered Draco but Ron just laughed and slapped him harder on the back.

"Shouldn't you really be asking me if you want to be my Best Man?" Harry joked. "You're assuming that I don't have anyone else in mind."

"You're assuming that we'll ever get married," Draco pointed out, drawing a sly glance at Hermione who grinned broadly but said nothing.

"Fine, leave me hanging in suspense," sighed Ron, then said to Draco more seriously, "I actually wanted to talk to you about something. Alone."

Draco frowned. "Oh right."

Ron motioned for Draco to follow him to a quieter part of the tent while Hermione and Harry wandered away chatting animatedly to one another.

"Is everything alright?" he asked.

"Yeah, better than alright, actually," said Ron. "I spoke to the Head of the British and Irish Quidditch League HQ. Seems that a position's opened up in their division."

Draco blinked at Ron then his eyes widened. "You mean for me?"

"Yes, I mean you!" Ron laughed. "Are you interested?"

"I...yes, of course I am. How did you do it?"

"Ah, you see the Weasley name counts for something at the Ministry," Ron drawled, mimicking Draco. "I told them that you'd be perfect for the job. You're a Quidditch nut, you'll fit right in."

"I don't know what to say," said Draco weakly.

"Thank you would be a start," Ron suggested.

"Let's not get too carried away. Christ, now I owe you even more. This is unseemly."

"Don't worry about it, mate. Although, I will be expecting decent tickets for the next Quidditch World Cup."

"That sounds reasonable." Draco made a mental note to get every Weasley the best tickets possible— preferably ones for the Minister's box.

"Excellent." Ron patted Draco on the back. "Come on, we better go. Ginny'll kill me if I miss the first dance."

Ron and Draco wound their way through the crowd until they found Harry and Hermione near the centre of the dancefloor. Hermione beckoned them forward mouthing, "Hurry up, you two!"

The music began to play and everyone applauded as Neville and Ginny took to the centre of the room and began to dance. After a few moments Mr and Mrs Weasley joined them, followed closely by George and Angelina, Bill and Fleur, then Ron and Hermione. Soon many others followed suit while Harry and Draco watched. Harry grabbed Draco's hand.

"Will you dance with me?" he asked.

"Really?" asked Draco, surprised. "I thought you didn't like to dance."

"I don't," said Harry pulling Draco onto the dancefloor. "But I like to dance with you."

"Oh, you are so sentimental," he teased.

Despite his teasing, Draco held Harry close. Harry rested his head on Draco's shoulder as they slowly danced together. The last few months had flown by, although a lot had changed. Harry's apprenticeship with Ollivander was going well and they had managed to open the shop up in time for the new Hogwarts students to purchase their first wands. Draco had officially moved in with Harry, although as Andromeda pointed out he was practically living there anyway. They still visited Andromeda and Teddy regularly and they always made sure that they brought biscuits with them, even though Draco tended to eat them all. Although some scars take a long time to fully heal, Luna and Harry had begun to tentatively repair their friendship, much to Draco's relief (he had, against his will, grown quite fond of Luna and her kookiness). Draco's mother was still somewhat resistant to his and Harry's relationship, although Draco suspected that had more to do with the fact that, in her mind, nobody would ever be good enough for her son. She had at least accepted that Draco and Harry intended to be together for the long run and had made more effort to get to know Harry, even going so far as inviting him to visit her in France in the Spring. In all, things seemed to be going quite well for Harry and Draco.

We Open at the Close (Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now