I pat her back, not able to think of any other forms of sympathy. Why am I like this?

I consider my words carefully. "After everything that's happened," I say, gulping at the memories, "Well, Michael's proved that it only takes a single human with enough determination. I honestly don't think even you're safe if another one like him falls. Would it really make a difference, though? Putting Papyrus into the Royal Guard will make him happy, but he's at risk of being killed in action. At the same time, it isn't like he's going to be out there alone. Even if there aren't any other guards left, I know for a fact that you'd step in and help him. And I'm sure as hell going to be at his side too," I add fiercely.

I know Undyne's thinking everything I've said over from her silence. "What do mean exactly?"

"I mean, let him is and train like any other guard. Give him assignments like any other member, but if it comes down to a battle, well, make sure he's never alone. Maybe try to explain about the killing part too."

Undyne sighs, blowing away a strand of hair in her face. "Well, before that day comes, he's gonna have to train really hard and become really strong." She grins, and I find myself smiling with her. "Like, capture-a-human strong."

At this, I laugh. "Oh god. You have no idea of the tales Frisk tells me," I chuckle. "Tales of snow, puzzles, spaghetti and dates."

In the last couple of days, I realise, I have found out that a close friend has been plotting to kill us all, fought against that friend, battled infection, been lectured by Sans, had a panic attack, given myself up to Chara, visited the traitor, had a breakdown there and seen Gaster.

Well then. One couldn't argue that my life isn't action-packed.

But still. I'd rather be someone normal, with a normal life, normal friends and normal parents. A life where all of this didn't happen to me.

Yet I can't imagine this. I can't imagine living with human parents and having human friends. I can't imagine not having magic. That would be like cutting off a big chunk of me. It wouldn't be right. And besides. I love them all, like family. Leaving them isn't an option. But what would happen when I remember my parents. What if the barrier breaks, and I find them? Will I go to them, or stay here?

Groaning, I turn over. It's too late to think about this. And I desperately need some actual rest.

My fingers find the scar on my neck and trace around it. The tissue is knotted and it's lumpy and pink too, but hey, it's a better reminder of the battle than my corpse. I was told that is wasn't very deep, but the monster dust was causing serious problems. Apparently, the dust still had traces of magic. That magic reacted to my own, causing a massive blow-up in my bloodstream. I couldn't heal myself either, because the monster magic killed off any healing magic left in me. I was in a state of semi-consciousness the entire time too, which I don't remember at all for some reason. Toriel had to flush out the bad stuff including all traces of food and water in my system, which was bad. So that problem had to be tackled too.

Basically, I almost died again, due to my own stupid actions.

But, hey. At least I would've died due to the after-effects of battle. It's a pretty cool way to die.

Why am I thinking like this? I need sleep.

Curling up, I focus on my breathing as I finally drift off.

Chara is in a surprisingly good mood today. Basically, she 'kills' me quickly enough for it to not to cause too much pain. Which is convenient, since I'm tired today. I honestly don't feel like screaming.

As the world fades away, I hear her speak to me in her sweet little voice.

"You'll be with me soon, Will."

Her giggles echo through my head, even after I'm 'dead'.

"NYEH HEH HEH!" I wince at Papyrus's volume. He really doesn't have an off switch. "BOTH OF THE HUMANS SHALL EXPERIENCE THE ABSOLUTE PERFECTION THAT IS MY HOME-COOKING."

Oh dear god. "Papyrus, it's really okay. Frisk and I ate our fill at home."

Papyrus shakes his head vigorously. "YOU ARE GUESTS OF THIS HOME. IT IS MY OBLIGATION TO NOT LET YOU LEAVE UNTIL YOU ARE COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY FULL," he exclaims. I shoot Sans a pleading look, which he just shrugs at. Squaring my shoulders, I plaster a smile onto my face and go to the kitchen to help him. Just to make sure he doesn't burn anything.

Ten minutes later, and the four of us are seated at the dining table, plates of steaming pasta in front of us. Frisk is the first one to eat, bless her soul. She smiles and take a forkful. Her face reflexively scrunches up for a second, though she tries to hide it. We shall always remember her sacrifice.

I take a bite too, bracing myself, though no amount of preparation could have prepared me for the extremely odd sensations on my tongue right now. It isn't bad, it's just wrong. For Papyrus's sake, I take another mouthful, and another and another. Until everything's gone. I hope my sacrifice will be remembered too.

All I can do at this point is smile because if I open my mouth, I'm afraid it'll come back out.

Well that was bad.

"SO? WHAT DO YOU THINK?" Papyrus asks, looking at us with a hopeful expression. Well, there goes my plan on being honest.

Forcing myself to keep the damn thing down, I say, "It's great! Just, maybe don't put as much honey in the sauce. And cook the noodle a little more as well. Other than that, it's fine!" Hey, I was half-honest. It's fine.

Papyrus only droops for a half a second before puffing up again. "WELL THEN NEXT TIME, I'M JUST GOING TO HAVE TO TRY A LITTLE HARDER THAN THAT." Sans chokes for a second, but it seems no one else noticed. "IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE I COME UP WITH THE BEST BATCH OF SPAGHETTI! NYEH HEH HEH!"

I pat his arm because his back is too far for me to reach. "You'll get there soon, Papyrus. I believe in you. You'll do a little better next time." Sans chokes again, but before I can turn to him and ask what's wrong, an explosion happens.

Someone has blown a hole through the wall, instead of using the door. As the dust clears, and as the coughing subsides, I see five hazy figures standing around the living room.

"Now now, Undyne. Was it really necessary to destroy the wall?"

"Hell yeah! How else am I supposed to enter dramatically? I exist to blow other people's socks off!"

"Now, Undyne has the right idea. Though, I am sure the term is 'knock people's socks off'.


"P-p-please don't destroy the other wall, Undyne."

One of the figures start walking towards us. It's Toriel. She's smiling as she places a Tupperware container down in front of Papyrus. "I thought you boys would like some casserole and pie. Spaghetti, while delicious, isn't enough to keep going," she says, her tone idle. She seems very relaxed, even with Asgore around. Frisk's told me about their history.

"Why did you guys come?" I ask, currently being strangled by Undyne. I beat at her arms weakly as she slowly crushes my ribs. "Let...go...Undyne," I wheeze. She does before I go unconscious, leaving me slightly light-headed.

"We're b-bingeing a-a-anime t-today!" Alphys exclaims, waving a pink disc in the air excitedly. "Mew Mew Kissy Cutie!" Her confident manner leaves abruptly though. "W-well, after we c-c-clean up this mess." I laugh, surveying the plaster and wood scattered around the living room now.

"Well, this is going to take a while."

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