I need to talk to him before we film it.

I hopped out of bed and showered, washing my hair.

After getting my clothes on and brushing my teeth, I decided to go and talk to Theo about it before I left.

I walked over to his door and knocked on it quietly, careful not to wake anyone still sleeping.

Theo opened the door, with a bare upper half of his body, just wearing his tracksuits, proving that he had only just woken up.

He had such a good body.

'Shai?' he asked, tilting his head slightly.

'Oh urm hi,' I half blushed, 'can I talk to you about some stuff please?'

'I guess,' he replied confused, 'have you had breakfast yet?'

I was so busy thinking about what to say to Theo, I realised I hadn't.

'Nope, wanna grab some together?' I asked.

'Sounds good, I need to quickly shower though so why don't you order room service whilst I get ready.'

'Cool,' I replied, walking in and grabbing the room service menu.

Theo walked into the bathroom and I scanned the menu for something we can both eat, luckily I know what we both like so I ordered a fruit salad and some whole meal toast for me and some poached eggs on white toast for him.

After ordering I started to hear the shower run.

Okay, let's go over what your going to say Shai.

Just tell him that you didn't mean what you said last night, you were drunk.

He will understand and that the dare is going to used be on Miles, even though you don't want it to be.

But don't tell him that part.

We're best friends practically, he knows that it wasn't true last night right?

I wondered what I he thought when I said that.

Probably something like; what the fuck shai? Or did he wanna kiss me too?

Of course not he loves Ruth.

I found the TV remote and began to flick through channels and found one of those stupid gossip shows about Jennifer Lawrence.

I was only watching it because I was good friends with her and wanted to see how much was true.

Jennifer was a good friend, she gave me advice when I was filming Divergent since she has so much expertise with The Hunger Games.

I heard the shower go off and the the thuds of Theo's feet walking out.

'Shai!' I heard a shout from the bathroom.

'What?' I laughed.

'I left my towel out there when I answered the door! Grab it for me please?' he begged.

'Or I could just leave you there!' I joked.

'Please?' he insisted.

'Fine!' I sighed with a laugh.

I picked up the towel by the door and knocked on the bathroom door.

'Your gunna have to open the door slightly for me to give it to you Theo!' I said.

'Alright! Hang on!' he replied.

I heard the click of the lock and saw the door handle lower slowly.

Falling for A Co-Star (Sheo)Where stories live. Discover now