Greeting some of the patient made it easier, I tried to think that she was going to be fine, and the people here too, I felt exactly what my mom felt like when she did the same years ago. I now understand why it was so important to her, you see people's faces lightning up and it warms up the heart.


Ella's POV

I did the X-Ray, all I could think about was Harry, I missed him already, then a voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Miss, we can now go, your results will take 1hour or maybe less to be completed, we can put you in one single room while you wait for the results, but first let's find the Prince okay?" she asked with a smile.

"Yes, sure thank you." I said to her smiling too. We walked around the hospital trying to find Harry, we then arrived in front of an open door and we heard laughing, I recognized the laugh, Harry! I peaked my head in the room and as soon as he saw me he got up, shook the hands of the patients and excused himself out. As soon as he closed the door, he hugged me which cause me not to touch the floor anymore.

"How are you? What are the results?" He asked pulling me down.

"I'm fine and we only will have the results in one hour or so.." I said to him.

"Yes, but I'll try my best to have them quicker but for now I can put you in a one person bedroom, and you both can wait there for the results." the nurse said.

"Yes sure thank you!" said Harry.

"Good, then follow me please, and Miss Ella I will make you a bandage with a special cream so it'll ease de pain for now and once we have the results I will see what I need to do." she said smiling leading us to the last floor of the hospital and putting us in a big one person bedroom.

"Thank you very much." I said while sitting on the bed.

"Anything for you, I'll be back in 15min to see the evolution of your wrist and I'll try to bring the results." she said while leaving the room. Harry then sat next to me.

"How are you feeling?" he asked concerned.

"I- I think I'm okay, I cannot really process all that has happened but I mean I guess I'm okay and having you by my side makes everything easier." I said smiling and then looking down.

"Ella, I need to know who was this guy." he said a bit of anger in his voice.

"Okay I'll tell you everything." I said and that's what I did, I told him everything I didn't leave a single detail, I told him today's conversation and all. At the end of it I could see he was tense and I could see him tightening his fist.

"Harry," I said putting my hand on his fist, "I'm fine now, and it's all thanks to you, really without you there I don't know what would've happened.

"Ella, I-" he was cut off by the door opening.

"I have the results!!" said the nurse in a cheering voice.

"So what we have here is a sprained wrist, you'll have to put ice on it for 20 to 30 minutes every 3 hours, I'll make you a bandage and every night you take it off and make a new one and every morning too, okay?" the nurse looked at us smiling.

"Thank you very much." I said to her.

"I have a quick question, how long is she going to have this bandage?" Harry asked.

"Well Your Highness I'd say 10 days, in 10 days come see me and I'll check up on everything if everything goes as planned in 10 days you won't need bandage anymore." she smiled at me.

"Good!" he said.

"Now, can I show you  how to make the bandage so you can do it again at home?" the nurse asked.

"Well parents aren't there-" I started but Harry cut me out.

"Yes show me, I'll do it for her." he said looking at me smiling, how cute is he, but how does he want to do it to me everyday he has better things to do...I won't think about that now, the nurse finished, I thanked her and so did Harry, he took my bag and put an arm around me leading me to the front door so we could go back to the car and then to the hotel.

"Harry look, paparazzis everywhere! Somebody must have called them and told them where we were." I said to him.

"No problem, keep your head down and let me guide you I'll open your door still." he said in a reassuring tone.

"Okay thank you Harry." I said to him, while stepping out of the hospital, cameras were flashing I was starting to feel dizzy, thank the Lord, Harry was there, he opened my door and then closed it then entered in the driver sit, and we drove off.

A Royal StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon