11. Birthday Party!

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———Aaron's pov——— (((D/B - dog breed))) (((p/n - pet name)))

Aphmau had just called me saying that y/n had gotten back. I was so happy that I sprinted to Aph's house and nearly knocked the door down.

Y/n answered so I instantly brought her into a hug.

"Aaron I can't exactly breathe properly!" She said and I let her go.

"Sorry! It's just I was so worried about you!" I exclaimed. "What happened?"

We went inside and y/n explained what happened. I was furious; I put on my bandana just incase and then asked her for more details like which woods and which mall and things like that.

••••Time Skip!!••••A few weeks later••••

I was so excited! Today is y/n and I's birthday! I got Aphmau to take her somewhere for the day so the gang and I can decorate her house, I had the spare house key because I'm the best brother... well, only brother but whatever. Melissa is going to be here soon as well!

I was so looking forward to it because it's my birthday as well, well obviously I was looking forward to it, who wouldn't?

A few hours later, the gang and I had decorated the house. It looked amazing! Soon enough we heard the door being unlocked.

"Everybody hide!" I whisper yelled and we all hid after I turned the lights off.

Y/n came in and turned them on and we all jumped out.

"SURPRISE!!" We all screamed, I could tell that y/n was overwhelmed and overjoyed.

I ran over and hugged her. "Happy 23rd Birthday y/n." I said and she hugged back saying "Happy 23rd birthday to you too, Aaron."

We pulled out of the hug and Aphmau hugged me and y/n. "Happy Birthday you two!"

We both replied with a "thanks" and then we hugged the others, or did a bro hug in my case with the guys, as they wished us happy birthday.

Y/n and I noticed two piles of birthday presents.

"Guys I told you not to get me anything!" I said but then laughed because free stuff, who wouldn't want that.

"Tax opening first!" Y/n and I yelled at the same time we looked at each other for like a minute straight.

"Fine you go first." I said and she cheered in accomplishment while the other and I laughed at her childlessness.

~~Y/n's pov~~

I opened the first box, which was the biggest. On the wrapping paper it said to just lift the lid up, so I did. I peaked inside to see a super cute d/b!

"Right, who got me this?" I asked with the puppy in my arms.

Aphmau replied, "it's from all the guys!"

"Awe thanks guys!" I exclaimed.

"You're welcome n/n!" They said in sync which made me giggle.

I opened more presents after naming my puppy, (p/n), I got some small jewellery like bracelets and I got more clothes. I was super confused thought when Kawaii~Chan gave me a maid outfit, I mean, it was pretty but when am I going to wear that?

Overall the party was amazing! Aaron and I got really cool presents, and the birthday cake was really nice! All vanilla with no chocolate, because werewolves and chocolate doesn't go together.

Date published: 16/08/2018

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