Chapter Fifteen

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"You might want to find some shelter," said a voice behind him through the tremors. He whirled around to see Skypelt standing above him, balancing on his three good paws. His eyes relaxed at the sight of the older warrior. "It looks like there's going to be a heavy downfall."

Dewkit's heart was still pounding from the thunder, but he shook it off and gulped. "Wh-what about Ravenkit?"

"Scared of thunder, are you?" Skypelt mrrowed with laughter.

Embarrassed, Dewkit shook his pelt and tried to smoothen out his fur. "N-no! It just surprised me!"

"Don't be so flustered, Dewkit, I'm only teasing." Skypelt purred and took a limp forward. "I know that the nursery can be a little boring without your old denmates, so why don't you go help out Sweetheart for the time being? I'll go talk to Ravenkit."

Dewkit inwardly groaned to himself, but nodded. "Sure. Thanks."

He dipped his head with respect to the older tom and stalked over to the medicine den. A few moments later, a drop of cold water splashed right on his spine and he shivered. The rain was about to start!

Before he could get wet, he dashed from his spot and made his way to the medicine den quickly, stopping at the entrance just in time to turn and see the result of the mass of storm clouds. Rain started pouring hard onto the land like a river falling downward, turning the dirt of the camp grounds dark and muddy. He looked over to the Moonrock to see Ravenkit leap off from the top and rush to the elder's den with Skypelt. Cats who were already in the clearing ran off into nearby dens for shelter, and a few more cats rushed into the camp entrance from patrols, including Icestar, Silverleaf, and Sharpfang, who immediately clambered off into the leader's den.

Dewkit gave a sigh of relief, realizing that he'd been holding in his breath for way too long. Although he'd gotten to a warm and dry place before even getting wet, he still worried that the rest of his Clanmates wouldn't make it in time. After all, nobody likes to get wet!

Maybe except the StreamClan cats, thought Dewkit, remembering that they lived by the lake. He couldn't imagine living with his fur always soaked.

"How long will you stand there?" Sweetheart's voice meowed from behind him. He turned around and looked up to see the beautiful medicine cat, who smelled like fresh herbs as usual. Her cream-colored fur seemed neatly groomed.

It reminded him of the time last moon when she came back from the Night Flower, fur all ruffled and un-groomed. Although he didn't like to think about it, he had a feeling that she had a dream that night from StarClan about the dangers in the future that Icestar feared. That was the only time he'd ever seen the beautiful medicine cat so unkept.

"I don't think it's ever rained this much before," Dewkit said in reply at last, turning back to the downpour. Small droplets of water splashed onto his nose and he sneezed, taking a step backward to get further away from the wetness. It's rained before during newleaf, but never this hard. It sounded like all the trees in the forest were falling!

Sweetheart nudged him away from the entrance. "Yes, and the rain is an easy way for a cat to get sick if they don't dry their fur off properly."

"Like, catching whitecough?" he inquired.

"Yes, I'm surprised you even know what that is," she said, nodding with approval. "It's been a while since we've had a sick cat. You were too young to remember; most cats at the time you were born needed treatment for injuries."

Dewkit nodded with understanding. After all, he'd been born at a terrible time—right in the middle of both leafbare and during the war between MoonClan and DarkClan. Thus, the reason why he never liked causing his parents trouble so often like Ravenkit did was because he understood that they came from a time that was difficult, where cats were weary and battle-driven. Since it was so cold then, he also understood why his parents were so watchful of his needs. And because it was during a battle, they feared for his safety.

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