Chapter Two

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"You really need to see it! It's the best series EVER!" Evelina says laying extra weight at the word ever. She's been talking about this series called Doctor Who for about 5 minutes now and we're now headed to the cafeteria.

"But seriously Ruby, its awesome like 'boom' 'exterminate' 'wosh' 'dududuuudududaaa' " she say making all this funny noises.

"Yeah yeah sure, I'll check it out later" I say laughing at her weird acting. She's such a happy and fun person.

The cafeteria is pretty far away from the classrooms, which I think is kinda silly. I mean when your hungry you don't wanna go long to get food, right? Yeah.

As we go in to the cafeteria the first thing I meet is a death stare from the other side if the room. Hah, guess from who. Yeah its Damian. What have I done to him to make him stare at me like that? NOTHING. I do the first thing that comes to my mind, I show him the finger. Hah, I'm sooo bad ass. Yeah sure. I look at him and find him smirking even though his eyes looks angry as hell. Dude short temp or nah?

Evelina dragged me over to a table on the totally opposite side of the room. We sit down next to Jamie before Evelina hits me. Jamie look shocked at us.

"Ow! What was that for!?" I complain rubbing the spot she punched.

"Why the fudgicals did you give Damian your middle finger!?" she whisper yells.

"You did what!?" Jamie also whisper yells, looking a bit frightened. His lips still a bit swollen from the fight.

"Ey, he started" I say looking towards the food. Mmm, how much I would love to have that yummy looking food in my tummy.

"Anyways Evelina, he said he don't hit girls." I stand up and start walking towards the food.

I take a plate and put some french fries and sausages on it. Then I walk over to the vending machine and buy a lemonade.

I started walking towards the table again when something blocked my way. Or more like someone. I look up to find a big muscular boy named Damian.

"Your blocking my way, what do you want?" I say confidently. I look up in his eyes and bite my lower lip.

All he does is staring at my plate of food. He grabs my box of lemonade. I try to take it back but he holds it over his head, and since Im like a head lower than him you know I cant reach that. He opens it as a smirk kisses his perfect lips.

The next thing I know is that Im getting soaked with sticky lemonade. I let out a gasp and drop my plate of food on the floor making it break in s thousand pieces. Causing everyones atention to me. I hear people burst out in laughter around me as I start running out of the cafeteria. Screw food I'm out of here.

I run to the closest restroom and make sure noones there before I lock the door. I stare in the mirror to find a girl, her black long usualy puffy hair wet and sticky and mascara dripping from her eyelashes who belongs two emerald green eyes. That girl is me.

I got snapped out of my thoughts as I hear someone knocking on the door.

"Ruby, its just us." I hear Evelinas voice say. I walk over to the door and open it, Evelina and Jamie comes rushing in.

"Oh my god Ruby are you okay?" Jamie say worried and put a soft hand on my sticky chin, making my cheeks go red.

"Yeah, just a bit ebarassed." I say and walk over to the mirror again. "I really need a shower"

"Hey you can go in the girls wardrobe and borrow my gym stuff" Evelina says smiling at me. "Do you have any other clothes?"

Yeah I know what you're thinking, "It dosent give any sence to just use the girls wardrobe in the middle of lunch time?" truth is, I dont know if Im allowed to do that but right now, I dont really care.

"Erm... not really, my pants didnt get any lemonade on though. I only need a sweater or something." I say looking in the mirror. My pink hoodie was wet and sticky.

"Hey you can always borrow a t-shirt from me?" Jamie says as a pretty smile kisses his lips making his dimples seeable, I blush by the thought of wearing his clothing. I look at the bruise over his big blue eye and bite my lip, what a douche Damian is.

"Okay then, lets go to the wardrobe!" Evelina says cheerly and literally drag me out of the restroom heading towards the wardrobes over with the gym. Evelina grabs the gymbag from her locker on the way.

She hands me a towel, some shampoo, balsam and soap before I walk into the wardrobe. I put down the cleaning stuff and cuickly strip my clothes off and run into the shower room. I hang the towel on the wall before I turn on the shower. The water is warm and relaxing as it cleans my sticky hair.

I guess its kind of a good day since Im borrowing a t-shirt from a hot guy. But at the same time it kinda sucks since the reason Im borrowing it, is that another hot guy just humiliated me...

I reach for the shampoo but I dont find it in the shower. Oh thats right, I left it in the wardrobe. I run out of the shower room and in to the wardrobe and take the cleaning stuff. Just as Im about to walk into the shower room again the door opens and in. comes. Jamie.

I scream and try to cover as much as I can. By the look of his face I can tell that he's sorry and that he's struggeling with only looking at my face.

For gods sake Ruby why arent you hiding!? I dunno.

"Im so sorry I didnt mean to see you, like that" His voice cracking at the end. He cuickly toss me his t-shitt, and I use it to hide my private parts.

"Uhm.. can you please go out.." I say shyly.

"Oh, yeah sorry" He say and scratch his neck. Not moving anywhere. Looking slightly down at my chest area.

I give him a glare. "What are you waiting for? Shush!" I say shushing him away with my hands signilazing him to go.

Unfortunaly for me, the hands I was shushing him away with, were the same ones who held his hoodie. Guess what. The hoodie wasnt in my hands anymore, nope it was lying on the floor making me completly nude right infront of him... His eyes widened and it looked like, he was checking me out?

Oh my god.

He was checking me out and I am naked!!!

Thats so inappropriate!

-I havent checked for typos yet because I had a few isues with this chapter where a lot were deleted. I also wanted to say that I might start another book instead. I have always struggled with making books here, never really liked them. I've been posting chapters to early and my new ideas cant be used at this story. Instead I wanna make a new book were I can make a few chapter before I post them so I get to be really happy with it and not wanting to change things. I might continue on this book to but I dont know yet.-

Xox Jebolla

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