Reviewing TOHO EUROBEAT Vol. 10 ~ Highly Responsive to Prayers

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Honestly, I was ready to make a review on this volume because it's PC-98 songs being arranged to a Eurobeat remix.

Sadly, it's the only volume that remixes songs from the PC-98 era (as of 7/24/2018). They better make a Lotus Land Story volume and get nomico to do a Bad Apple eurobeat remix!

幻想が鳴り止まない (The Fantasy That Does Not Stop Ringing) / Rute: Sounds SUPER upbeat! I like it. Really different compared to the original. Sounds like something you hear in a para para event or some dj session hosted by Suika. Riff definitely starts a para para move. Now, all we need is someone to do a para para cover because I can't do one.

Overall, great atmosphere for the first song in the album.

Song based off theme of Makai levels 16-19.

Rating: 8.7/10

Love the BEAT / Mamemi: EUROBEAT! I just love how the song starts off by blatantly saying "EUROBEAT!" It's an english cover, but having people that can sorta speak English just sounds amazing for some reason *cough cough Italy*. This can actually pay off to be part of a Super Eurobeat album because of the song name XD

Song based off Konngara's theme.

Rating: 9/10

Eternal Party / Hanatan: Usually brass like this one feels boring and overused overtime. But it doesn't. The riff sounds a bit boring though. It's literally the same phrase form the beginning but with a twist of brass. 

But DAMN the emotion in this song! I dig it a lot! Especially the chorus part! It feels like they've sampled a bit of Crazy Little Love into this but took it up a notch with the feelings!

Song based off Eternal Shrine Maiden (Levels 1-4, Hell levels 16-19)

Rating: 8.5/10

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