Stage 1': A return of a friend; A return of an introduction

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Well... It's been a while... Shall we return back from the dead Necros? 

Yep.... It's time to go back. Eiki! Our duration of being deceased has been done! 

Welcome to the return of Stuff and Such! The touhou fanboy is back and ready to talk more about Touhou! 

A brief intro to Touhou:

Touhou Project was created in 1995 by ZUN, and is still going on as the sole creator and mostly everything guy for the games.

26 games (as of 5/9/2018) have been released:

Highly Responsive to Prayers was the first game released

Embodiment of Scarlet Devil was the first Windows game released

Immaterial and Missing Power was the first spinoff game released

Hidden Star in Four Seasons is the current game released (as of 5/9/2018)

Antinomy of Common Flowers is the current spinoff game released (as of 5/9/2018)

ZUN's art is mixed, but in a sense respectable. You can see his improvement in art over time.

 You can see his improvement in art over time

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ZUN art from EoSD

Art from Subterranean Animism

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Art from Subterranean Animism

Art from Hidden Star in Four Seasons

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Art from Hidden Star in Four Seasons

ZUN also created ALL of the music as well! Here's one that sounds REALLY familiar:

There were times that other artists produced music for the spinoffs as well, like this one:

Anyways, let's have a great journey of Touhou Stuff until the end! So stick around and I hope you enjoy the content that I give!

Touhou 2: The Return of Stuff and SuchWhere stories live. Discover now