Reviewing TOHO EUROBEAT Vol. 9 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object

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WOOHOO Undefined Fantastic Object!!!

I only know Stage 1, Nazrin, Byakuren, and part of Shou's theme before I listened to the whole OST.

I actually like the ambience of the OST.

(don't be fooled by the thumbnail. It does play the song.)

一瞬のセツナ (A Moment of a Moment) / Rute: This song just captures the racing emotion it needs! The original is ambient of course, but this is a eurobeat song. Rarely it needs something ambient but it mainly needs racing vibes. And again, this songs does has the racing vibes! If it doesn't, just picture Mokou riding a Mazda on a mountain course and it'll fit.

The brass riff is nice; definitely is a good balance of brass usage. Actually, the song kinda sounds similar to Manifold Love. Not that much, but just a bit. The only complaint I have is that it needs a little more of Nazrin's theme.

Song based off Stage 1 and Nazrin's theme.

Rating: 8.5/10

WHO? / Aki: I don't know who. Maybe it's Nue- oh wait it is. Hey, an alien! (heh reference)

Honestly, DJ Command songs are gonna get a high rating XD

The brass riff used can get boring overtime. But it does take some time getting used to. I like the vocals because it's really unique from other touhou arranges; same thing goes for Heian Alien. The chorus part uses the part which sounds really bizzare and U.N. Owen-like, and I kinda dig that. Overall, it's a nice one, but not what I expected.

Song based of Nue's Theme.

Rating: 8/10

Disaster / Rute: Expect a lot more of Rute and Aki songs.

The first thing I heard during the brass riff was something from Mega Man X. I don't why, but I guess it's the key that's in.

Aside from that, what a great energetic song! Feels like I'm in the stretch and about to pass the opponent's car. The chorus sounds great as well, though there's one part that I'm dissatisfied with, but that's fine.

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