| Chapter 8 |

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It was the next day that Tobirama found himself in front of the Academy, a feeling of nostalgia hit him like a wave, remembering little Tsunade, who is now not little by any means, and her team who are now known as the Legendary Sannin. Senju Tsunade the Slug princess, Jiraiya the Toad sage and Orochimaru the White Snake. He was very much proud when he learned his grandniece's and her team-mates' accomplishment. Sensing someone step beside him, he broke out of his thought and looked up at the Uzumaki he was protecting. Kushina looked nervous, he couldn't blame her, this was her first day of Academy and she gets hyperactive when stressed. She probably worries she'll mess up or something. He gave her a small reassuring smile and together they walked in. Finding their classroom and walked in along with one of the teachers who was waiting for them. They stepped inside and immediately all eyes were on them, or rather on Kushina. "Alright class we have a new student today, please introduce yourself Uzumaki-san." The sensei told Kushina. Everyone once again looked at her and Tobirama cringed at what was to come. They made her nervous. "H-hai! I am Uzumaki Kushina, and I will become the next Hokage. Dattebane!" She shouted and Tobirama looked at her in surprise. He did not see that one coming. The class broke into a laugher and/or whispers. "Not possible." A boy's voice was heard and Tobirama looked up at a boy with sky blue eyes and sunny blond hair. His voice wasn't mocking nor insulting. "Because I will be the next Hokage." The boy smirked. Tobirama smiled to himself, a competition then? Kushina glared up at him with determination. This sure will be interesting.


It was a few weeks after Kushina joined the academy and Tobirama found himself amused. It was obvious. Minato, the blond-haired kid, seems to have a crush on our little Uzumaki but was too shy to approach the redhead. Said redhead was not going easy on him either. Other kids tried to bully her, keyword 'tried', but none of them succeeded and all ended up with bruises and broken noses with the occasional bone. Really it was funny watching the poor boy try to approach her only to get yelled at in the progress. Minato, as he had learned was an exceptional shinobi in the making. He was a prodigy and a war orphan. Tobirama was a little sad when he learned that, no child should ever experience war. Nor should any child experience the lack of parents in their life. His own father was a horrible man, yes, but his mother was a completely different story, he is still saddened by the thought of her death. Well back to the topic at hand, Minato was exceptional shinobi in the making, a prodigy in every way possible....except social interaction, then again he isn't the one to talk either. He actually approves if he was ever to ask Kushina out, he even once comforted the poor boy after being rejected again. He found him a pretty good company, considering the fact that Tobirama now has to stand Kushina's loud behavior every single day for the rest of her life. She was a good kid, yes, but god was she loud and energetic. Seriously if it wasn't for Hashirama being his brother he would have probably strangled the poor girl. Minato was unlike her very quiet if not a bit too shy kid. Kushina now accuses him of being a traitor.


It was that fateful night that Kushina finally fell in love with Minato. It was late in the night and Tobirama barely had the time to alarm Kushina of anything before he was gagged and thrown into a sack. Kumo shinobi, judging by their scents and chakra signatures. He could have gotten out of the sack of it was not for the chakra suppressing collar they have put on him. He only heard Kushina's shocked gasp, yelling and then they were on the move. It was a bit later when he felt a familiar chakra signature, even tho he felt It barely thanks to the collar and the fact that the kid was suppressing his chakra, he still felt it and heard the silent 'thuds' of bodies hitting the ground. The next he knew, he was pulled out of the sack and the collar was pulled off. He looked up at Minato who was holding Kushina bridal style and nodded, they took off into trees and Minato stopped for a moment, Kushina had regained her cautiousness. He let the pair have some privacy and the next he knew, the two became inseparable. Minato trained under Jiraiya and Kushina under god knows who along with two girls named Mikoto Uchiha and Jinmeyo1 Hyuuga. Those three were, as any Nara would put it, very troublesome when together. Kami help their sensei. He himself had grown close to Minato, he honestly liked the kid. He had mixed feelings about Jiraiya being his sensei, but well he was fond of the boy when he was a kid and he didn't seem to change much.

He doesn't know if that's a bad or a good thing.


1- Jinmeyo: name i gave HINATA'S mom

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