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(Remeber! Spade died in the last chapter! To the chapter!)

♦️ 3rd per🦇son  POV ❄️ 

"Glitter Force! Sparkle Flurry!"

"Shine on! Twinkle Diamond!"

"Take That Shadow Dawn!" A bunch of hail, diamonds, and shadow winds came hitting Dawn, knocking her off her feet. Down came Glitter Ice, Gitter Diamond, and 'Glitter' Ira (I mean there's a Glitter Sebastian so...) They landed on their feet, with the exception of Ira, he landed on his butt.

"Ow...." He winced.

"Are you okay Ira!?" Diamond pressed worriedly.

"Yup... fine..."

"I have a idea... let me fight Dawn..." Ice stated confidently,"I've always wanted to wipe that shadowed esspression off her face for a long time now!" She summoned her spinner charm," Insert spinner charm! Glitter Force! Diamond Dance!" She made a bunch of ice crystals appear swirling around the room. They all started to sway in a rhythmic pattern which caused them to shoot down onto Dawn. Though it did hit her, it didn't purify her.

"Heh, thought that would work?" She sneered. While a small dispute was accruing other there, Diamond and Ira were at Mackenzie's body.

"No..." Diamond cried,"No! This didn't happen! This is just a dream!" She cried into Ira's chest, clinging on tightly,"She's not dead! She's just asleep! Right!?"

"No... I'm sorry Honey but she's gone....." he rubbed Diamond's back, trying to comfort her.

"I'm sorry that I was jealous of you and Maya when we were younger... I'm sorry that I judged you and Dante's relationship! I'm sorry that i suggested that you should give Maddy up...." She let out a wail which caught Dawn's attention. She punched Ice in the face and flared at Diamond and Ira.

"So you helped her make up her mind... well... why don't you join her!" Dawn made a dark sphere and shot it at them.

"No!" Ice cried as it neared them.

"Garenteed to make any heart go all a flutter! Ace Shot Boom!" Something shot Dawn by the head.

"Glitter force! Sparkle Claw!" Whoever did that caused to ball to break apart.

"What the!?" Dawn screeched. Glitter Ace and Glitter Kitty both landed onto the ground, their eyes locked with Dawn.

"Ace! Kitty! How did you get here!?" Ice asked.

"Well Kitty wasn't too hard to defeat..." Ace trailed off.

(FLASHBACK! This is a summer up version of what happened!)

They both landed onto the ground. A minute later Ace used her move on Kitty and purifies her.

(End of flashback)

"Hehe... I was always good..." Kitty chuckled," Anyways! Let's stop this overshadowed murderer!" She summoned her spinner charm," Insert spinner charm! Glitter Force! Purring Cat's Heart!" A giant hologram of a cat cake over and shot a heart beam of love at Dawn.

"Insert Spinner Charm! Glitter Force! Diamond Dance!" The two attacks came rushing at Dawn, stabbing into her shadow coated heart.

"STOP! DONT!-" She was cut off with a scream of pain and disappeared from sight. Maddy's body cane floating down, unconscious, resting in the light.

"Well we did it..." Ice panted. She turned to walk to her parents, Diamond  was crying like crazy while Ira was holding her close, comforting her.

"It's all right Honey.... Dawn's purified, So She's not going to kill anyone again....." he kissed her, licking her lips, asking for a entrance. Diamond denied and began to cry again, this time her tears coming down like a waterfall as she wallowed above Mackenzie's body. Maddy came rising up, blinking confused.

"What the... what's going on.... wah!?" She turned her head to find everyone mourning for Mackenzie," what happened!?"

"We could ask you the same thing!" Kitty growled and hissed angrily. They felt a gust of dark wind and saw Leo picking Maddy Up, his right arm under her skirt, on her bikini area and his left holding her breast.

"Go on and weep if you must! But I'm taking my shadow princess to safety!" He teleported with Maddy and left no trace of the incident except for a dead body and bloody stains in the ground....

(To be continued! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and you just saw two of the single person spinner charm moves! Thank you and good day!)

Glitter Force! Shine A Light! (FANMADE!) The First Awakening (Revising)Where stories live. Discover now