Glitter Plasma and Kitty!

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Note: this chapter was revised

We were both walking near the hillside, the breeze picked up and blew against my face. 

"Today's a lovely day!" I smiled while running ahead. The wind was quite strong today, strong enough to knock me off my paw- err feet...

"Slow down Amy!" She shouted as I dashed. As I was running I misplaced my step and started sliding down. She sighed and ran after me.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screeched as I slid. I landed with a thud,"Ow!!" I whined while standing up. 

"I told you to slow down!" She shouted at me, looking away,"But you never listen..." 

"Hey are you calling me dumb!?" I shouted aggressively.

"I'm not, I'm just saying," She pauses for a second, staring at the ground,"Wait What's that?" She pointed to a little hot and light pink gem thingy.

"I dunno..." I picked it up and stared at it, it had tiny little cat ears and a kitty face on the hot pink part,"oooh pretty..."

"That looks like a glitter charm!" Utah exclaimed while taking hers out. Hers had a more wispy fire like structure than the other one. She handed it to me,"Let's see what will happen." And as soon as she said that, I heard a great blast come from behind us.

"What was that!?" I screamed while backing up, 4 feet every hop. There stood a boy, around 16 years old, in the middle of the dust. He had golden ish hair and bright yellow eyes.

"Leo!" Utah screeched while taking out some sort of poof,"Stand back Amy, this may get messy"


"Glitterforce! Makeover," She said while inserting the charm into the poof. 


"Fight Fire with Fire as the sun shines from within!" She shouted,"I'm Glitter Plasma!"

(N/A: her pose is like Sailor Mars)

"Woah...." I said under my breath. She's so pretty in my opinion! She's like a sailor moon!

"Fight me Leo!" She shouted while charging. He dodged with extra suave, making her look bad. She kept on throwing punches until he shot her at me with dark energy.

"Ehh..." I stared as she flew to me,"EHH!? WHY TO ME!?" I started screaming as our foreheads hit each other. I felt a body lay on my legs," ow.... OH MY GOD! UTAH!" I yelled as I shook her. She was unconscious.

"Well well.. this was going to be easier than I thought! The only thing left is you and I win," He posed,"Try and hit me." I didn't know what to do. I felt a throbbing pain hit me in the chest. Wait no.. that's my heartbeat... my Dokidoki... Utah is unconscious.. I have to do something.

I stood in front of the fallen warrior and spread my arms apart. Leo or whatever his name was looked confused.

"I'm not letting you hurt her anymore than you already have! And I'm not moving!" I screeched, Plasma's eye slowly opened.

"Amy..." she whispered breathily.

"I'm mad now..." I growled,"YOU WONT LIKE ME WHEN IM MAD!" A great big green bursting light came from my chest as I was absorbed. This all felt familiar. I think I'm... transforming.


"May the doggos bark and the kitties Mew! I'm Glitter Kitty!" I posed.

(N/A: Kitty's pose is like Cure Peace's but instead of peace signs, it's fist because cat paws.)

"OMG.... IM SO FABULOUS!" I squealed while jumping around,"Now time to fight!"

~~skip cause laziness~~

"Ugh..." Leo spat,"You'll be sorry for doing this! Glitter Kitty!" And with that, he was gone.

~~to be continued~~

Glitter Force! Shine A Light! (FANMADE!) The First Awakening (Revising)Where stories live. Discover now