Audrey:Well ... I'll say it this way ... Mom


(Y/N):Audrey ... is

Frank:My daughter.....

Hilda:You are my daughter....


Hilda pounced on Audrey and started hugging her

Hilda:I never thought I would have a daughter so beautiful and a pretty rough, look at you, that style of yours is very cool

Audrey:T-Thanks Mom

Yang,Heidi:I hoped it was my son

Ruby:Do not feel bad that my son is quite rude Yang

(Y/N):First of all, I suppose you come here to help you in your future, I suppose

Brendan:No dad, I'm here to help you beat (Y/N) Black and Felix and help me train to beat (Y/N) Black of my future,I want to be the one to defeat him in the future

(Y/N):Okey,I will train you but if I could not beat Black in your timeline I needed a lot of help, I will have to call Whis, Dad, Vados, Caulifla and Kale to help us,I will also talk about this to Goku and Vegeta

Audrey:I almost forgot, I brought these earrings Sr (Y/N)

Audrey:I almost forgot, I brought these earrings Sr (Y/N)

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Audrey gave (Y/N) three Potara earrings

(Y/N):Potara earrings,Where did you get this from?

Audrey:A guy with long ears and very perverted gave them to you, but after you died, I took them

Wendy:I guess he would never change

(Y/N):Thanks Audrey

(Play the song)

Before anyone could say anything else the sky began to darken in all Remnant

Hilda:How strange, the news said that today will be totally sunny

Lightning came out of the ground that could be seen in the distance

Brendan:What is happening?

(Y/N):This can not be good

[With (Y/N) Black]

A red dragon came out of the dragon balls

(Instead of the temple of kami imagine that it is the castle of Salem)

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(Instead of the temple of kami imagine that it is the castle of Salem)

Shenron:Tell me what your wish is?

Salem:I wish you would revive a guy named Felix

Shenron:Ok, a very easy wish to grant

A light began to appear in front of Shenron and that light came out Felix

Felix:Uh? alive?

Shenron:Your wish has been granted, see you soon

Shenron disappeared and the dragon balls rose in the air and shot in different directions

Salem:Excellent, my plan is going so well

Felix:Who are you?

Salem:I am Salem, your new mistress, I brought you back to life to be able to dominate Remnant with our power


Salem:This guy called (Y/N) will explain the plan

Salem walked back to her castle while (Y/N) Black approached Felix

(Y/N) Black:Hmph...I swear I've seen you somewhere else

Felix:Shut up, tell me what is the plan she said?I'm interested

(Y/N) Black:Reassure yourself, I have a much better plan than hers, one that implies that we master the multiverse

Felix:Mmmm I hear you

After (Y/N) Black explained the plan to Felix, the two agreed to accept the deal.

Felix:I accept that we two are the new kings of all

(Y/N) Black:Of course,I can not believe that this guy is so stupid, just wait Felix......just wait Remnant....All will die by the hand of a true god HAHAHAHA

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