Chapter 1 | Coincidence?

Start from the beginning

"I'm glad you finally asked. There is a way, but in order for that to happen, you must speak with Mr.Zane privately."

It was clear that he was reading from a script. That was his only purpose for the papers in front of him. He was given certain orders and it seems like this was something that had to be handled personally. 

"When can I meet with Mr. Zane? I don't recall ever seeing him in this building. Why hasn't he ever come here personally?"

"Ms. Iman, all questions related to Mr.Zane are to be answered only by him. I do not have any knowledge as to what goes on in his mind."

This was another reason I was frustrated. The man never shows up and was mysterious from the start.

"Alright. Then I guess there is no reason to waste your time here. It seems like I'll have to meet Mr.Zane myself."

They all nodded and thanked me for whatever reason they wanted to. I can't believe the nerve of these people. All my life, I was so thankful to them for giving me a jump start in my business and now they're just going to call it a meeting and terminate our partnership?

Once everyone left the room, I stormed out and personally went over to Harper's office. At least she didn't leave work yet.

"Harper, do you have a list of people who will be attending the party at 19:00"

I looked at my watch to see how much time I had to get ready and it doesn't seem like I had a lot. It was already 17:45. 

"Yes ma'am. Here it is."

She grabbed a folder off to her right and handed it to me. I immediately opened it and searched towards the bottom of the list for the name Zane and as expected, I found it. I handed the folder back to Harper and said, 

"Thank you."

I hurried back to my office to pick up my bag and jacket. Afterward, I was on my way out of the building and back home to get myself ready for tonight's event. 

As soon as I walked in the door, I smelled mama's wonderful cooking and didn't want to leave but this party was a must. 

"Oh,  Iman are you home?"

"Yes mama, but I need to get ready!"

I quickly kissed her on the cheek and ran upstairs to my room. I found the custom made dress by Saint Laurent on my bed and quickly changed into that dress. After finding a matching hijab, I wore that too and sat in front of my mirrored dresser to apply some makeup. I already had some on but I only added a brown, hazel color to my eyes and touched up my liner. 

I slowly went back down the stairs, being careful of the dress. Once my mother saw me, she gasped and said, 

"Mashallah. I have such a beautiful daughter."

She made me blush.

"Mama, stop embarrassing me."

"What? It's the truth."

I gave her a hug before leaving and grabbing a different purse to match my outfit and told her, 

"Love you!"

She closed the door for me as I was in too much of a hurry. I got in my R8 and put the address in the GPS. During my whole ride to the event, I had anxiety. How was I going to go up to Mr. Zayn and speak to him? Normally, I don't approach men unless they are coworkers. The whole thought of meeting him gave me the chills but I had to be strong. This was for the company and my family.

Upon my arrival, a valet stopped me and said, 

"I can take it from here. Just write your name and cut out this piece."

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