Chapter 13: It's Finally Over

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Toothless' POV.

I stood at the edge of the island after I flew the best I could to the bottom of the cliff. I glanced out at the sky and spotted five specks in the sky. 'Wait why is there five? Shouldn't there only be four?' I questioned what I was seeing. The specks kept getting closer and closer until I could identify each one, there was Hiccup and Astrid riding on Stormfly the twins, Fishlegs, Sontlout, and Shadow Bolt? He's grown quite a bit since we first found him.

"Toothless!" I heard Hiccup shout from above. My head snapped up as Stormfly was landing. He dismounted and sprung over to me and hugged me.

"How did you get all the way over here?" He added. I was about to explain in Dragonise when Dagger and his men slid down the cliff with their wepons. I spun round and growled.

"What do you want, Dagger." Hiccup snapped.

"Just the night fury, Hiccup, hand it over or we can do this the hard way." Dagger blackmailed. "I was so close to finally getting that dragon then you come along again," he added. I glanced up at Hiccup.

"Not yet bud," Hiccup said. I nod and turn around and bare my teeth "Never." Hiccup snapped.

"Hiccup brother-" Hiccup cut Dagger off.

"We are not brothers, Dagger," Hiccup growled.

"Hiccup if we join our tribes together we can conquer the world," Dagger declared.

"How, Dagger?" Hiccup asks angrily.

"By marrying Astrid of coarse," Dagger answered with a smirk.

"What!" Everyone shouted in unison.

"Alright now you've drawn the line, Dagger!" Hiccup shouted with rage. "Toothless, Shadow Bolt, now!" He added.

"Who's Shadow Bolt!?" Dagger asked. Then Shadow Bolt flew on his head just as Toothless shot him into a tree and Shadow shot a fireball at the tree branch above Dagger and it toppled on top of him.

"Come on guys let's get out of here," Hiccup mounted my back and we burst into flight with the others following and Shadow was beside me.

"This isn't over!!" Dagger squawked.

"Yes it is!" Hiccup barked. We landed on Berk and dismounted.

"Sure feels right to be flying on you again," Hiccup said as he scratched my chin. Then he turned to Astrid.

"I'm sorry about the whole marrying Dagger concept, I don't know what I'd do without you," Hiccup said affectionately taking her hand. She smiled and blushed.

"It's okay," she responded sweetly then pulled him into a kiss. He kissed back.

Hello!!!! Finally I've updated, but I guess the reason is I had a case of writers' block again so sad so Toothlesslover4eva helped me!!! So I hope you enjoyed!

Please comment!!:D :D :D

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