Chapter 4: Shadow Bolt

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Hiccup's POV.

The gang and I were in the academy trying to think of a name for the Night Fury, we all decided I should keep it considering Toothless was a Night Fury and he has grown quite fond of the baby.

"We should call him Bolt! Beacause he's so fast" Fishlegs suggested.

"Or, we could call him shadow, because of the way he lurks around in the shadows and pops up outta no where!" Ruff and Tuff exclaimed.

"No, we should call him lightning because of his speed!" Snotlout argued with Fishlegs.

"I'm gonna call him Shadow Bolt. Do you like that name?" I asked the baby dragon. He nodded vigorously. "Well then, Shadow Bolt it is!"

'You've found a name for the Night Fury yet?" My dad asked as he strolled into the academy.

"Yup, his name is Shadow Bolt," I informed him.

"That sounds quite right for a Night Fury!" Dad exclaimed. I smiled and turned to look at the dragon, he shot a little flare in the sky right after Toothless did. I chuckled and scratched Toothless' chin. Shadow Bolt then leaped into the air and flew around the academy.It landed in front of Toothless and playfully licked him.

"Hes so cute don't you agree hiccup,"Astrid said to me I nod "Astrid what if this Hatchling has a family that would mean there is more Night Furies out there somewhere anywhere"I sasked. She smiles and scrached Stormfly under her chin.

"Maybe we could get the Hatchling to show us to its family,"she smiles I knod "Astrid great idea,"I say grabbing her hand

"You truely a genius you know that,"I exclaimed. I kissed her cheek and let go of her hand then fly off "Thank you!" I say as I fly off.

Astrid's POV

"No problem!" I call after Hiccup then sit on te bench 'How could he just leave me here with this lot?' shadow Bolt lands on my knee ruffnut sits down next to me.

"Don't take it personally he's like that with everyone,"she says i smile up at her.

"Thanks,"I say she smiles then goes back to normal hitting her brother "Shadow Bolt, why are boys so weird?"i ask the small dragon he just sticks out his tounge then flies off.

Hiccup's pov

Shadow Bolt flies into my room "Oh helo little bud,"I say te dragon jumps off the window sill andnuges my hand it reveals pictures of Astrid I had drawn he looks up at me as if he's trying to tell me something. "What is it little bud?" I asked him curiously. He kept looking from me to pictures for a while. "Do you want me to see Astrid?" I asked him. He seemed to be glad I figured it out and he nodded."Okay." I got up from where I was sitting and sauntere down the stairs and went out the door. Shadow Bolt leaped out the window and followed me, I strolled along to Astrid's house and climbed the steps and knocked on the door.

"Hello, Hiccup," Astrid's mom greeted happily.

"Hi, is Astrid home?" I asked eagerly.

"No, she flew off to a place she called her special place on Stormfly," she explained.

"Oh, okay thanks."

"Bye." I went back to the house to find Toothless on the roof.

"Hey, bud. What do say we go on a little flight to find Astrid?" I asked him. Toothless hopped off the roof immediately. "I'll take that as a yes," I laughed as I mounted Toothless. He burst into flight and flew to the cliffs of the island. He stopped at a particular point, Raven Point. Toothless motiond for me to look and I spotted Astrid talking to Stormfly. Toothless dove down and stayed behind.

"Hey, Astrid," I said as I sat down beside her and wrapped an arm around her.

"Hey, Hiccup," she replied and laid her head on my soulder.

"Happy Snoggletog heh heh," I said awkwardly. "So what are you doing out here?" I asked trying to start a conversation.

"Just watching the sunset," she replied. " But it's much better now that you're here," she added and snuggled closer to me. I glanced down at her just she looked up at me and our eyes met. She started leaning closer to me and I leaned closer to her and our lips met in a passionate kiss just as the sun dipped to the horizon.

Hey guys! I know the ending was a little sappy, but I hope you enjoyed!:D And to be truthful, I got a bit of writer's block along the way so Toothlesslover4eva had to help me.

Please comment!!!:D


HTTYD Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora