Life of the Party (Part 2)

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"Excuse me?" A blonde girl snaps, "Do you mind?"

I stand in the doorway, mouth agape, watching my boyfriend in bed with another girl.

When I don't move, she begins to speak again , "Are you fucking deaf? Get the fuck out, we're-"

"Jenny?" I ask.

Her tone softens, "Indie,"

"Jenny and Chris," I say slowly," ... In bed,"

"Indie, I can explain," Chris begins, but I'm too shocked to reply.

I turn and make my way down the hallway.

"Indie!" I feel a hand grab my wrist. I look up at Chris.

"Indie, I'm so-"

"Was I not good enough for you, Chris?" I interrupt him, "Was I not pretty enough? Was taking my virginity not enough for you? Was I bad in bed? Am I a bad kisser? Was I too clingy, because I tried so hard not to be clingy. I tried so hard so be perfect!"

"Indie, you're-"

"I try so hard to be perfect, for everybody. I try to always be there. I try to help them when they're upset. I try to make them laugh. I try, Chris," tears well up in my eyes, "And you know what I get in return? A cheating boyfriend and bitchy friends,"

"Indie!" He yells, "Let me fucking explain!"

"No!" I cry back in pain, "You don't get the right to explain! I'm not going to sit and listen to any more lies! There is no possible explanation to why my friend and my boyfriend are in bed together!"

I walk away before he can reply.

I'm about to leave the party, when I decide to get cleaned up first, seeing as I'm a snivelling mess. I walk into the master bathroom.

I don't realise there's already someone in it.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" I say, about to leave, when I hear crying, "Are you- ok?"

The crying girl turns to look at me.

I recognise her face immediately.

It's Melanie McCoy, 'the bitch'.

"No," she says, then sees my tears, "Are you?"

"No," I say.

We both pause for a minute, and begin crying simultaneously. Heavily.

I sniff, "What happened to you?"

"My friends..." she trailed off, "look," she sobbed, pushing her phone towards me. I look at the texts.

CANDICE: OMG, Linda, Melanie is so annoying. I know we only keep her around for popularity but she's really getting on my nerves. I think we need to put her in her place. I was thinking about telling people that she's a lesbian.. and that she tried to touch my boobs 😂😂 can you imagine her face!

MELANIE: Uhh... Candice. This is Melanie. You texted the wrong person you dipshit.

CANDICE: Oh, Melanie babe! I was obvs kidding lol!

I give her a sympathetic look.

"My own fucking friends," she sobs, "I can't believe they were going to start that rumour,"

I sit down next to her and hug her slightly, she smiles a little, "What happened to you?"

Tears roll down my cheek, "My boyfriend and my friend..." I swallow, "Were in bed together,"

She gasps, "Oh no!"

"I know!"

She gives me a hug, then stands up.

"You know what? Fuck them!" She states, "We are going to stay at this party, and then, we're going to have a good fucking time!"

I stand up, "Yeah! I was looking forward to this party! I'm not going to let a cheater and a snake ruin it for me,"

Melanie and I high five, and walk out, smiling.

I push Jenny and Chris to the furthest corner of my mind, and have a drink with Melanie.

The rest of the party is pretty much a blur. We danced, and laughed, and Melanie introduced me to her remaining friends and I introduced her to Adam and Daniel.

I laugh at the memory of Daniel. He literally went pale when I introduced Melanie, and then went bright red when she said hi to him.

"H-h-h-h-h-hi," He said, flustered.

She gave him a smile.

And that's how Daniel passed out.

"Did I say something?" Melanie asked.

"No," I say, smiling uncontrollably, "He mug have just had a bit too much to drink,"

Melanie giggles slightly.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"He's cute,".

I laugh my self to sleep on Jim's couch.

It was a pretty cool party.

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