♥18♥ Yuuki is learning

Start from the beginning

Yuuki could see it in his eyes, the eyes of taking revenge. She looked at the screen to see the Hero Killer's blurred picture taken from a phone's camera from far away. "Iida, who is that?" 

"That there is a villain. This villain heartlessly kill a lot of pro heroes, and he attacked my-" He probably should stop there since this wasn't the best conversation to have with her. What Stain did, was no different to what Yuuki did; both have a different starting point to kill a life but they still killed lives nonetheless. The only difference was Yuuki's changing and Stain...he's nothing but a stain. "Yuuki-kun, this isn't the best conversation to have with you." 

"Is it because he killed before?" Before Iida could ask how she knew, she smiled and she pointed at the highlight on the news. "You taught me how to read, remember?" 

"I...I did." He thought she really was changing. He smiled a little at the thought that the honey badger whom he had argued with was actually becoming a different person. However, there were also a shadow in his heart whispering to him saying 'You need to keep an eye out on her in case she steps onto the wrong path again' or 'She's going to kill again someday' or even 'She can't change.' Iida doesn't know why he had these things whispering within his mind. Despite knowing she's changing and she's not going to be a villain, there was a dark whispering trying to contradict how he really perceive her. He doesn't want his current perception of her, an intelligent, slightly lazy, and honey-glutton student of Class 1-A, to change and rot. "I'm sorry." 


"Yuuki-kun, I think you're amazing. Not many people can make massive changes on who they are. Many people struggle, some even turn their backs on changing their ways. But you, you're genuinely changing. Yet, I..." He was ashamed of the part of him who couldn't believe in Yuuki. It was like light and darkness inside him were waging war against one another.


"A-anyway! I should pay for the treat and walk you home. I don't want Bakugou-kun to march to my house with an explosive attitude again." 

"Right." She followed after him, taking her new rucksack with her. The rucksack's zip had Present Mic's face on it because it was one of his radio station's giveaway.

In the end, Iida was walking Yuuki back to Bakugou's. While doing so, Iida taught her how pedestrians should be in Japan. 

"But there were no moving boxes!" 

"It's called a car, Yuuki-kun! And even if there are no cars in left or right, you must wait for that red man to become green!" He explained while pointing at the pedestrian crossing, "You can't and shouldn't jaywalk!" 


"I know in some countries, jaywalking is not seen as an issue, but think about it, Yuuki-kun! One less person jaywalking is one less driver hitting a person."

"But what if the driver is drunk and not good at driving? They'll still knock someone over." 

"What you're doing is critical thinking!" He gave her a thumbs up, "Well done!" 

"This world is so confusing..." Yuuki sighed and she looked up at the sky. "How can you say a world is free when there are rules to follow? If there are laws to follow, how is that any different from having freedom taken away?" She looked at him and she was a little surprised to see him looking at her very proudly. 

"I feel like a father who have just watched his daughter grow up...!" 

"Huh..." Still, she was glad to see him act silly. "Iida, I know what I did might make people uncomfortable. I also know there will be people who will bring my past up when I am trying to do good." 

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