Chapter 14 - One Wish

Start from the beginning


Then her father looks at me.

"Minamino Kitagami."


When he says my name, my spine stands straight in response.

"I know you're not Tegemi's boyfriend, yet..."

"But I think in the near future..."

"Y-you think so sir?"

"Yes, you're just dense." He smiled oddly.

"You said that no matter what happened you'll always be there for my Tegemi."

"Yes, sir and I mean it."


When we'd finally finished the meeting.

"Thank you, Mum, Dad. Take care."

"You too Tegemi, Minamino." Answered Mr.Mikahara.

We part with her parents in front of the restaurant.

We watch them drove away until they disappear in the distance.

"Whooo!" I said losing the knot on my tie. (That was hard work...)

Tired I let out a huge sigh.

Tegemi gives me an enthusiastic pat on the back.

"Good work!"

"Thank you so much, Mina!"

"Don't mention it, I'm just glad it worked out well at the end."


"My father understood so that's, that." Then she grins at me.

"I never knew that you had an awesome past and you had some pretty cool line in there."

"Cool lines?"

"About me..."


(OH!!! The part that I said I love her!)

(Wait...did she thought I just said that to convince her father?!)

"Hehehe, I almost believe it for a moment."

"R-right...a-ahahaha...." I let out a nervous laugh.

"Yeah, you love me huh?" I almost believed it."

"Y-yeah, ahahaha-ha..." (I felt defeated somehow.)

"Hehehe, I know, I'm just teasing you, sorry."

"I was happy that you said that, Mina."

"You are?!"

When she said that, her face reddens slightly.

"It's good to be loved the same way as you love each and everyone in the Famille'."

"Y-yeah. Right..." (But I mean it though, and the love I feel from you it's not the same as I feel for them...)

"Yes I need to thank you for today!"

"Huh? Thank me?"

"Yes, For playing the part of my boyfriend."


"In that case, you don't need to do anything for me, spending time with you and meeting your parents is good enough for me."

"R-really?" she said while blushing for a bit.

Feeling downtrodden.

"If it's alright with you, can we go on a date?" I said it halfheartedly not expecting anything,

"W-what?! A date?"

"Yes, after all, I did pretend to be your boyfriend."


"Just kidding, sorry ahahaha...'

"You really don't need to thank me..."

Tegemi smiles at me.


"Huh? Ok?"

"Sure, I'll go on a date with you."

(Oh she must be taking pity on me; I know she doesn't look at me like a man but isn't this a bit too much.)

"Ahahaha, good one, you don't really have to do it, if you don't want you know."

"Mina. Look at me."

I was taken aback by how serious she looks at me.

"A-are you angry at me?"

"N-no! but I'd be if you don't take me seriously." She said stepping forward towards me.

"I said I'd go on a date with you."

Her unlikely answer surprises me, and she smiles.

"I haven't been on a date for a while, and my last one left me with a bad taste."

"So I look forward to seeing where you'll take me, Mina."


I'm dumbfounded for a moment,.


"Seriously!" she answered firmly.

That's how I get Tegemi to agree to go on a date with me.


My Sweet Roomies Re-Written (Tegemi Mikahara/ Misaki Fujinaga RouteWhere stories live. Discover now