Author's Note

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I'm sooooo sorry everyone!!!

You have no idea how nervous I have been to put up these last few chapters.

Honestly, when I wrote this about 6 months ago, I originally intended for them to be mates, but as the story progressed, it just didn't feel right. 

But as I wrote the end, part 2 immediately began to form in my mind, and I knew that I'd be able to eventually give you the happy ending you all want.

So please, bear with me, and join me in part 2, where we follow the story of Cole and Nathan. But don't worry, Joel and Casper also feature heavily in the story too.

By the time you get to this section I should have uploaded part 2. It's called 'Find My Heart' and can be found by clicking on my profile page. You'll find a description of the story and one chapter which is just an Author's note. I intend to upload the first 5 chapters in a day or so. (all uploaded now)

If you enjoyed Touch Me, please add Find My Heart into you library so you'll get notified when I update.

And last but not least, thank you so much for reading my story so far. You have no idea how much I look forward to reading your comments and seeing each morning how many new people have logged on to read. You've all inspired me so much.

I would be grateful if you could let me know how you happened upon this story.  I always wonder!! Thank you. 

Touch Me (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now