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And my hopes, they are high, I must keep them small,
Though I try to resist,
I still want it all.


"Jooonnniiieee~ II'mmm~ thhhhiirrsstttyyy~." Taehyung complained.

They were on the way back home from the clothing store they work at when Tae noticed a quaint looking cafe across the road.

The wood was painted baby pink and the pastel yellow sign above the door read 'Jin's Cafe'.

"You wanna go in there?" Namjoon raised his eyebrow. A place like that isn't what he would call his style.

Tae nodded his head, "I heard they have the best chocolate chip cookies!" He squealed and dragged Namjoon over by the wrist.


"I'll have a chocolate chip cookie and a hot chocolate please, and my friend here will have an espresso." Tae chirped happily to the waiter.

"Make that two choc chip cookies." Namjoon smiled.

"Okay. That will be.... £6.50 please." The cashier said, typing into the cash register.

Namjoon fished out the money and thanked him.

"Go and take a seat and we will bring it over." The waiter smiled.

"Okay. Thank you.." Tae peaked at the badge on the waiters chest, "Jungkook." He send Jungkook his classic box smile.

'He's cute.' Jungkook thought, staring at Taes retreating head.

Namjoon found a table by the window and pulled out his phone. Tae stared out the window excitedly.

As Namjoon scrolled through his instagram, a slim figure talking to the people on the next table over caught his eye.

'He's gorgeous.' He thought, eyes following the mans long limbs and styled blonde hair. He was wearing simple black skinny jeans and a short sleeved white shirt but looked absolutely amazing, according to Namjoon.

Namjoon shakes the thought out of his head. He should not be thinking this about someone he's never met!

He had been so emersed in his thoughts he didn't notice the blonde male walking over with his coffee and biscuit followed by Jungkook trailing behind with Taehyungs order.


"Why do I have to help you give this simple order to two guys?" Jin mumbled over his shoulder to Jungkook.

The younger male blushed.

Jin sighed. "Let me guess. You think one of them is cute and your too embarrassed to tal-"

Jin was about to finish his sentence but tripped and ended up splashing the hot espresso over the tall guy who had ordered it.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" He placed the cup and (luckily still intact) cookie on the table.

Anger bubbled in Namjoon's eyes.

"Do you know how expensive this jacket was?! £110.00!" He seethed.

Jungkook's and Tae's eyes drifted towards eachother and exchanged apologetic looks.

"I said I'm sorry! It was an accident! No need to get that angry." Jin shouted back.

"Of course I'm going to get angry! You spilled a whole cup of espresso over me!"

"Look. If you calm down, I will pay you back for the jacket, people are starting to stare." Jin whisper-shouted.

"Fine." Namjoon huffed.

Jin sighed in relief and so did Tae and Jungkook.

"Give me your phone number and I'll arrange the money, okay?" Jin pushed.

"Okay." Namjoon said, writing his name and number on a napkin and passing it to Jin.

"I'm Jin by the way. So you know who's texting."


"I'm Taehyung!" Tae shouted, "Sorry. I knew everyone else's name and you didn't know mine." He laughed.

"You know Jungkook's?" Jin said, pointing to the blushing boy to the side of him. He noticed how Jungkook was staring at Tae and smirked.

"Yeah. I read it off his badge when he served us." Tae smiled at Jungkook which caused him to blush more.

"Oh." Jin hummed, still smirking at Jungkook. "Okay. We should probably get back to work. Not that this conversation was no doubt scintillating. Would you like another espresso?"

Namjoon nodded. Jin turned around and started heading back to the till, thinking Jungkook was behind him but when he turned, the lovestruck fool was still staring at Tae.


That seemed to snap him out of his daze and make him blush more. He quickly apologised for staring and went back to work.

"That Jungkook kid's cute." Tae voiced.

Fools // Namjin + Taekook Where stories live. Discover now