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(Inspired by Complicated - Avril Lavigne)

(Song in media section >)

         "Stop playing," I said playfully as I softly pushed Marcus. He took a step back, smiled, and returned to tangling his arms around me. We held each other close as he leaned in for a kiss. Obviously, I accepted the kiss. Our lips smacked against each other's as we got our tongues tied. Usually, we don't get affectionate during school hours but we were strangely horny and we already checked if anyone was in the restroom.

        We stopped kissing and stood there, arms around each other. One of his hands held tightly on my ass and the other around my back. "Why can't we be like this everyday?" I asked as I played with his hair.

        He untangled himself and looked down at his feet, avoiding my gaze. "You know I'm not ready," he replied. "I'll get dirty looks from everyone and I'll be kicked off the team."

        Marcus and I started getting together ever since we had that weird session at my house. He had came over to work on our Social Studies project. Things got complicated and we started seeing each other on a daily basis but it's not working out like I wanted it to. I've been out since the 5th grade but Marcus was so deep in the closet, I would need to get a search party to find him and get him out.

        "So?" I asked as I pulled him into my hold. "You'll have me." He smiled as he pressed his lips against mine. This moment felt like it could last a lifetime.

        Suddenly, the door opened and in came a group of jocks from the football team. Instantly, Marcus pushes me aside causing me to knock my back against the sinks. "Stop touching me you fag!" he yelled. His expression was a combination of nervousness and anger.

        "Wow," one of the jocks said. "Marcus are you okay?"

        "Yeah," he replied. "It's just that fairy over here kept hitting on me."

        The jocks laughed. "I think we should teach him a lesson," another jock piped in.

        He picked me up by the collar of my shirt and held against the wall. With one swift kick, his knee flew into my crotch causing me to groan in pain. He dropped to the floor and the other jocks began tormenting me with their words and kicks. I laid on the floor in a turtle formation as I felt each kick going into my stomach and back.

        "You can have the last kick," a jock said as he looked over at Marcus. The kicking stopped and all the jocks looked over at Marcus.

        I held my head up and stared him in the face as I shook my head, pleading him to not kick anymore. I saw Marcus shut his eyes tight as he began to kick. His right foot landed on my face, knocking my whole body into the wall.

        The jocks cheered and laughed as they patted Marcus on the back. They left the restroom, leaving me crying and bleeding on the floor. The bruises from the kicks hurt but the fact that Marcus didn't do anything to stop them, hurt even more.

        I don't know how long I laid on the floor but it wasn't long before Marcus returned. He crouched down next to me as he examined the bruises on my body.j

        "I'm so sorry about what they did to you," he said.

       I scoffed as I tried my best to sit up straight. With all the strength I had left, I raised my hand high in the air and striked him across the face. 

        "I deserved that," he said, placing his hand on where I had slapped him.

        "I can't believe you let them hurt me," I said.

        "It was the only thing I could do," he replied.

        "You're one complicated shit-head," I said as I pushed myself off the floor. My body ached so it was hard for me to be standing. I used the wll behind me to help stabilize myself. "I'm done, Marcus."

        "Alex, what are you saying?" he asked as he reached for my hand.

        I slapped his hand aside. "I'm saying we're over."

        "What?" he asked as he stood in shock.

        "I'm done trying to deal with you. I'm done seeing you pretend to be something you're not," I replied as I began walking out the door. "

        "Wait," he exclaimed. "If one day, I decide to come out. Will I have a chance to make it right?"

        I laughed. "I would never date a miserable fool like you again," I replied as I pushed against the restroom door.


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