The Princess in the Birdcage Kingdom

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Syaoran, Sakura, Kurogane, Fai D. Flowright, Lunamaria Lumina, Lunaanne Lumina, Mokona Modoki, Yuuko Ichihara, Koruri, Tomoyo, The King of the Birdcage Kingdom, The Royal Guard Captain, Lady Atsuko of Birdland, Kokoruri, Laifan. Very well then, the cast is assembled. I'll show you what the Birdcage Kingdom is. Well, even when you find out you won't be surprised. You think you know what it's all about, do you? Well, maybe what you think it is is only what you want it to be, or simply something that you want to know. When a mystery is solved, it ceases to be a mystery, and the curiosity fades with it. Even though people know this, they search out mysteries because they like to say "Oh, so that's what it was." Yes. Let me start to help you change these mysteries you want to solve, into well-known facts.

Yuuko Ichihara, the Dimensional Witch, waits outside her shop along with Maru, Moro, and Kimihiro Watanuki. It was raining when a magic ward appeared and Syaoran is holding an unconscious Sakura in his arms. "Are you the Dimensional Witch?" Yuuko slowly walked towards the boy and examines the girl in his arms. "That girl is going to die unless you do something."

Syaoran gasped and looked at the girl in his arms. "This girl's memories have become feathers and have scattered to many other worlds. Do you want to save this girl?" Syaoran held the girl close to him before facing the witch again. "Yes!" "I will need to be compensated." "If there is anything I can do..." Then two more magic wards appeared next to the boy, when they disappeared, Fai and Kurogane appeared next to the boy. Then two more magic wards appeared beside Syaoran again, this time when they disappeared, Lunamaria and Lunaanne appeared next to the boy.

Kurogane had given up his sword, which is being floated upon Maru's hands. Fai had given up the tattoo on his back, which is being floated upon Moro's hands. The witch faced the twins and they faced her. "Your prices were already paid by someone close to you. She agreed to pay her voice to send you two here. The words she had spoken to you two before you depart, were her last ones." The older twin held her sister close to her. Then the witch faced Syaoran.

"Your relationship with the girl will serve as compensation. Even if she does get all of her memory feathers back, she will never remember her memories concerning you." The boy held the girl close to him for a moment before facing the witch again with determination. "Even so, I will go. There's no way I'm going to let Sakura die!" And with all that said and done, Yuuko held out her hand and the white Mokona Modoki hopped in them happily before jumping up in the air. The group all stared at the white bunny.


Chikai atta yakusoku wa

The promise that we made

Mokona spread open her wings before swallowing the group whole.


Asu he no tsubasa

Is the wings that will carry us to the future

Tsubasa movie logo appeared within a storm of feathers.

たった一つの願い ずっと心に背負い

Tatta hitotsu no negai zutto kokoro ni seoi

Carrying one single wish in our hearts

Lunamaria and her sister both ran down the tower with determination in their eyes.

The Twin Song Priestess' Journey: The Princess in the Birdcage KingdomUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum