Chapter 2, Part 1: Escape

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Maia makes a break for it, and runs down the hallway. The dog pulls out a communicator "Emergency, Subject JA-1309 has escaped it's cell, and has taken Subject JM-1705 with it, request for backup, over.". Maia doesn't know where to go, so she continues to turn corners and hallways. The child continues to cry, alerting other employees to her location. As they hadn't known that an escape could happen, they haven't put any trackers on or in Maia or the child, so that's a plus. Maia turns a corner and in a split second decision, she ducks into a room, and quickly closes the door quietly. She puts her hoofed hand over the child's mouth to keep it quiet, as she hears two guards pause behind the door, oblivious to her location. Dog 1: "Where'd it go? I saw it turn this corner!", he says, agitated. Dog 2: "It must have ran up that way, come on!" the other speaks seriously. The two run off down the hallway. With a bit of time, Maia takes her hand off of the child's mouth, and tries to sooth it.

The child calms down, and stares at Maia in curiosity. Maia takes the time to observe the child. It has dark brown ear tips and dark brown nose bridge, and it's underside is a light cream colour. It's nose and paw pads are a deep navy blue. After further observation, she discovers the child is female. She ponders in her own mind as to why they would want to destroy such an innocent baby. Looking into her eyes, Maia sees hope, and a future for the child. She knew she had to get out of this place as fast as possible. She has lived in this facility for her whole life, and has no clue as to what lies in the outside world. All she knows is that it's much better than this horrible place.

After observing the child, she decides to explore the room. It too is all concrete, walls, floor, everything. The only light source is a light-bulb on the ceiling close to the door. As she creeps closer towards the back of the room, it becomes darker, she cannot see the back wall, that's even if there is a back wall. After wandering further, she finds herself in complete darkness. All of a sudden, she runs into what feels like cell bars, and then she hears something move behind them. "Who is that..?" asks the mysterious creature. Maia takes a few steps back in fear. As Maia is mute, she cannot communicate. A pair of green, glowing eyes pear through the bars. "Are you here to torture me again..?" asks the creature. It has a deep, masculine voice, that is slightly crackly. The child starts mumbling, and the creature steps back in surprise "A child? Well that's unexpected.", it knew she wasn't alone. The creature walks forward and wraps it's hands around the bars calmly. "There's someone else there, please walk come forward." it persuades in a calm manor.

Maia accepts, and walks towards the cell, and nervously wraps her hands around the bars. The creature carefully feels her hoofed hands with his reptilian claws, and exhales lightly in shock "Another experiment? You escaped? How?" it questions. The only sound Maia can make is a humming noise. The creature somewhat understands "You can't speak, huh? That kinda sucks." it pauses, "You have a child with you, is it also an experiment?" Maia hums in approval. The creature steps back for a bit, and stays silent for a minute.

"I know how you can get out of here, but it's not that easy. Care for me to explain?"

(Continued in Part 2)  

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 22, 2018 ⏰

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