Chapter 44: Restoration & Heat

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Song: Happy by Secrets in Stereo

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The pack had survived.

And in our absence, the pack houses were restored.

They were not restored completely, as repairs are still being made.

But entering back onto Draven's territory was emotional to see that the pack, in our absence, fought bravely to defend themselves and not only that, but also built most of their homes back up.

Pack members fell at our feet when they saw Draven and I walking hand and hand together. I squat down to an older woman with graying hair trembling at my feet. "L-Luna. Our brave Luna." The woman says.

I smile and help her up. "You shouldn't be the one bowing to me, rather, I should be bowing to you. I'm here to serve the pack in whatever way needed."

The older woman smiles at me. "What a humble Luna you are. I see many pups in your future."  She says before greeting Draven and parting ways.

"Oh, many pups!" I laugh awkwardly.

Draven nudges me and whispers in my ear. "Yes, I agree, many pups." His voice is husky and it sends....nice shivers down my spine.

"Of course you would agree." I say, giggling and rolling my eyes. I agree too....

"Now that we are back I have you all to myself." He says lowly as he leans in and kisses the mark on my neck. Pleasurable tingles shoot through my body and goosebumps arise. 

My face turns red because I know what he's hinting. "Oh shut up," I say, playfully hitting his arm, "There's children around."


My face falls when I see the little children running around skipping as they help clean up the little scraps of wood that is left from the bombings.


Ellie comes to mind.

The child I could not save.

In the distance, I see Draven's Beta, Braxton walking towards us. By now, he knows that his adoptive child that he and his mate lovingly took in, is dead.

I could not save her.

"Kamaria? What's wrong?" Draven asks.

"The child I could not save..." My voice trails off.


"Ellie....the child I could not save. I-I tried but..." I look down and shake my head, "The vampires, they killed her. In front of me. I was exhausted from fighting them but..."

"Kamaria, listen to me. Knowing you and your big heart, I know you tried your best. The situation was out of your control, and the fact that you stood your ground proves your bravery and fierceness."

I bite my lip. But only if I fought a little harder, only if-

"Alpha, Luna." Beta Braxton greets. Sadness swims in his eyes. The look in his eyes causes my heart to drown in sadness.

"How are you holding up?" Draven asks sympathetically.

Beta Braxton shoves his hands in the front pockets of his black jacket and kicks the dirt. "To be honest? Not so great. Not so great at all. My mate, she uh...she's been locking herself in her room. Things haven't been the same since this war, since Ellie..."

"I tried." I state blankly.

"Huh?" Beta Braxton asks, confused.

"I tried my best to save her from the vampires but....just know that your little Ellie was brave until the end." I say, my voice wavering.

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