Daddy Levi

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*Levi's POV,*

I heard a sobbing right next to me, I wiped my tears away before standing up to find the source of the sobbing. When I straightened up, the kid was now awake and crying. Boy, Hanji wasn't joking when she said this kid'll cry when she senses that there's something wrong around her. What the fuck am I supposed to do, Hanji will  kill me when she finds me in here while this kid's crying her eyes out.

"Uh... Hey kid what's wrong?" I asked.

"WAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Shit! It made it even worse. What fuck am I supposed to do to calm this little shit down!? Come on Levi think! Wait! The dungeon. Hanji did something back at the dungeon that calmed her down immediately. I think she kissed the kid's forehead and she immediately stopped crying. Fuck! I'm not good with this affectionate shit! Argh! I've got no choice then. It's either do or die.

I sat down on the bed right next to her and gently picked her up. This is so fucking awkward! I quickly kissed her on the forehead but she still wouldn't stop crying. Fuck! What do I do now!? I'm sure that's what Hanji did to make her stop! Unless she did something before that, I remember something she said before doing that kiss on the forehead thing.

"Shh, it's alright, everything's fine now. I'm here, I'm here"

Argh! This is going to be more fucking awkward! I hate it when I have no other choices.

"Shh, i-it's alright, e-everything's fine now. I-I'm h-here, I'm here." I said, trying desperately but failing to sound soothing to her; and then I quickly kissed her forehead a second time. By the Colossal Titan's foot, if this kid doesn't shut up I'm going to fucking kill myself!

Surprisingly, she finally calmed down. I sighed in relief and proceeded to get her off of me, but that has been proven impossible. The little fucker's got an iron grip on my jacket! I tried in vain to pull her off of me but the little shit wouldn't budge!

"Oi! You can let go now." I said.

She shook her head and moved even closer while her grip on my jacket tightens. I swear to Wall Maria's rear if I stand up, the brat would cling to me like a fucking koala with that grip of hers. Shit! How am I going to get this kid off of me!? Suddenly I heard a small rumble coming from the kid. Ah, the little fucker's hungry, Hanji probably didn't feed her yet.

"Hey kid, you hungry?" I asked.

She looked at me with those big baby blue eyes of hers. Shit! This kid'll be the death of me!

"Y-yes." She said shyly.

Good! This is my only chance to escape!

"If you let me go, I'll go get you something to eat." I proposed.

She hesitated at first but eventually let go of my jacket. I placed her back on the bed, stood up and made my way out of Hanji's living quarters. My destination at first would be my living quarters but I find my feet taking me to the mess hall. Before I knew it, I had a tray filled with bread, soup and water in my hands. What the fuck is wrong with me! First I was trying to kill the kid and now I'm walking back to Hanji's living quarters with the tray in hand! I pushed the door to her bedroom with my shoulder and went in. When the kid saw me carrying a tray filled with food, she immediately lightened up. I walked up to the bed and placed the tray in front of her.

"Here, go ahead and eat." I said.

She looked at the tray for awhile. What the fuck! She scarfed down the food much faster than Braus would. The kid must be starving. Well, who wouldn't when you were stuck inside a fucking rock for four fucking months. She greedily drank the water and placed it back on the tray.

A Promise to Keep (An Attack on Titan Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang