Shingeki no Shrek (Bonus Chapter)

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*Third Person POV,*

Once upon a time there lived an ogre named, Levi. Now, Levi here is not your ordinary everyday ogre who likes dirty and smelly things, but not him. In fact he despises all things that are filthy and smelly, he tends to clean and keep things orderly every second of the day. His physical features are also very different from the average ogre. Your average ogre is very big in size, very ugly and very fat while Levi is somehow very short, very handsome and physically fit. But the only ogre trait that Levi got is of green skin and long thin ears. Instead of living in a swamp, he lives in a meadow and built himself a house made of wood. Since Levi is very different from other ogres he is often alone, but he doesn't mind any of it. He really likes the peace and quiet of his home. Even though Levi's features is very different, an ogre is still an ogre. Occasionally, angry mobs carrying torch and pitchforks come to his meadow to drive him away. Since he's not scary looking, he takes care of the problem by beating the crap out of them. Nothing will ever change his life, but that's what he thinks.

As he was out getting some supplies for his home, a group of fairytale creatures came to his part of the meadow. They were led by a knight with a sword and list in both hands.

"Alright, listen up fairy tale creatures! Once I call your name step forward!" He announced. He looked at his list and read the first name.

"Eren the Puppet!" He said.

A wooden boy with brown hair and bright green eyes, stepped forward.

"By the way, I'm not a puppet, I'm a real boy." He said. Suddenly, his nose grew longer, almost poking the knight in the eye.

"Yeah, I don't think so. That's your spot over there." He said as he pointed a spot by a tree with a huge dent on the trunk. Eren went over there and leaned on the tree, crossing his arms over his chest. Someone in the group snickered.

"You know Eren, I think you look related to that tree your leaning on, it might be your grandma or something." Someone taunted.

Eren glared at the boy who insulted him.

"At least I'm not a pony, Jean." He retorted back.

Jean looked shocked for a moment but glared back at Eren.

"I'm a unicorn, not a pony! At least I don't have termites in my pants!" The young brown stallion shot back.

"Why I aughta!" Eren was cut off by a sword almost chopping his twig like nose.

"That's enough you two! You can bicker all you want after you get your spot! Next is... Mikasa Red Ridding Hood!" The knight called out.

A girl with pale complexion, grey eyes and short raven hair stepped forward.

"Your stop is the tree to Eren's right." The knight pointed.

"Next is... Armin the Elf!" He called out a name from the list again.

A blonde elf boy with square rimmed glasses stepped forth.

"The tree to Eren's left."

"Yes sir!" He said and went to stand on the spot pointed for him.

"Next are... Jean the Unicorn, Connie Pan, Tinker Sasha, Mad Hatter Bertholdt, Reiner Hood, Fairy God Christa and Ymir the Big Bad Wolf!" The knight announced.

All eight of the remaining fairytale creatures stepped forward.

"Your spots are there, there, there, there, there, there, there and there!" All eight went to their corresponding spots.

The knight rolled up the list and sheathed his sword.

"My work here is done! And remember, if any of you steps foot in the kingdom of Sina again, you will be executed!" He warned and left the meadow.

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