Chapter 1 - Naruto

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Naruto huffed as he made the ball joints to a commissioned doll. Between working in silence just to here a bell ring then dropping everything to go greet the customer wasn't how he pictured running a small retail toy shop solo would go.
After finishing the joints Naruto used his fingers to comb his hair back. He then started to put the doll together so that it was no longer a bunch of pieces. Satisfied he started to paint the skin color and make the eyes with resin. Finally done he blushed the cheeks, painted the lips, sewed the clothes, and rooted the dolls hair. In the end it looked beautiful. Naruto wiped his head with a tea towel and put the doll gently in a fancy box full of tissue paper and used red ribbon to tie it together. He smiled gently as he put the box onto a shelf for the owner to pick up the next day. Naruto hopes that his parents are proud of him and work that he is doing to keep the shop open. Naruto then snapped out of his dazed to go back into the stressful reality that maybe he wasn't good enough...That he should give up but Naruto shook the thought out of his head and went right back to work.

Naruto focuses onto the leg of a doll that he almost didn't hear the bell ring. He quickly jumped up and went up stairs to see alittle girl and perhaps her father? The girl had long straight black hair and deep brown eyes and wearing a pink pastle floral dress meanwhile her father had long straight black hair tied into a ponytail and black eyes while wearing a professional black suit with a red tie.
Naruto smiled and greeted them cheerfully "Welcome! If you need anything don't be afraid to ask." The man looked at him and nodded he then after a few minutes of looking at the dolls he walked over and asked if the store did commissions Naruto nodded as the man asked his daughter for what she wanted as a doll the girl smiled as she described a flower princess with wings as the girl was talked he started to draw every detail she said. By the time she was done so was Naruto, he showed her the drawing and she immediately lit up like a lightbulb "it's perfect! she squealed the man then looked at Naruto and asked how much and Naruto smiled nervously "$70.89" the man then asked "So do you take credit?" Naruto lowkey shocked that the man didn't try and bargain for a lower price but nodded anyway.

After the pair left Naruto started to finished the commission he had before them then started to work on the princess flower fairy but short Naruto called "Kushina

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After the pair left Naruto started to finished the commission he had before them then started to work on the princess flower fairy but short Naruto called "Kushina." Naruto's design looked similar with his mother so why not it not like it's her forever name. Well because of the name change Naruto was diligent with her the colors were exact and the outfit was tailored perfectly with an expensive fabric and the crown made out of two part apoxy and painted with gold and dry brushed with bronze acrylics within a week the two commissions were done he phoned them after putting the dolls in the appropriate boxes with the concept art.

The men came in still wearing a suit and tie and looking professional at all times. Naruto grabbed the boxes off the self and let them have a look they both looked like saw Jesus with barbeque sauce on his nipples. Naruto started to get nervous but when the me looked up at him they both said in unison "This doll was only $70" Naruto nodded hesitantly rubbing the back of his head "Well if you don't like them I can take-." The man with the long hair looked at him surprised "Kid you could be making a fortune on how high the quality is." Naruto didn't know how to respond to that but shrugged "So you guys will take them?" They both nodded as Naruto tied the red bows on the boxes again and gave them to their respective owners. As Naruto head back into his workshop "heh, high quality my ass.." Every moment Naruto makes a doll he still feels that he'll never be on his dad or mom's level no matter how hard he tries.

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