Chapter 8: Lynn

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{I do not own Divergent, Insurgent, or Allegiant. I am not Veronica Roth, nor am I pretending to be Veronica Roth.}

I wake up in the morning and decide to go for a stroll around the compound. Of course I get lost within minutes.

I find myself in a dimly lit hallway with lots of corners and dead ends. As I walk past a closet, I hear quiet sobs.

My hand trembles as it nears the door knob. I open it revealing Lynn, looking smaller than ever, crying in the corner.

I quickly step in and close the door behind me, looking at her for a few moments.

She looks up at me, and opens her mouth for a little bit before speaking.

"I can't believe you found me like this," she says shakily, laughing out of hysteria.

"Hey, we're even." I say, sliding to the floor across from her.

She shrugs.

"What happened?"


I give her a face.

"Well nothing happened, it's just how it is, okay?"

"Oh c'mon," I say, raising my eyebrows at her.

"I can't tell you. I'm sorry, Lily."

"If you tell me, and I tell anyone else, I'll let you stab me in the eye with a butter knife," I say, the same hysteric laughter erupting from my throat.

"We're psychos."

"I know."

We look at each other for a long time, her eyes stubborn and mine pleading.

"You're going to hate me, or be scared of me, or judge me, or tell every single person who ever stepped foot in this compound."

"I won't ever do any of those things, Lynn, you're crazy."

"We just met three days ago."

"Well then it must be considered sad by most people that you're my best friend."

I see her give up.

"You're mine too," she whines, "but as you know I don't have many friends."

"Me neither."

"I still can't tell you."

I can't help but feel hurt.

She frowns.

"If you tell a soul, I will rip you limb from limb."

I shiver.

Because she doesn't laugh.

She takes my hand and drags me across the compound, across the pit, and into the girls bathroom. She checks for about five minutes if anyone is inside before locking it as tight as the deadbolt will go.

I'm starting to get worried.

She pulls me into the last stall and locks that, stepping into the corner of it.

She finally opens her mouth to speak.

Nothing comes out.

"C'mon, Lynn, you can tell me anything."

She sighs.

"I guess if I don't let this out soon I'll go crazy."

I nod.

"Don't hate me."

"I can't! You're my only friend."

She nods, but doesn't laugh.

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