"Really?" I asked sarcastically, "How's that?" As Marcus started explaining how my dad had borrowed money, which I already knew, I realized something.

My handcuffs were loose.

My eyes flicked nervously to the man standing next to him, and I saw the gun in the holster on the side of his belt near me. A plan started formulating in my head, and I felt the light feeling of hope.

If I could slip my hands from the handcuffs without anyone noticing, I could grab the man's gun and force my way out of here. Then, I would run like hell until I found somewhere safe. The fact that I had no idea where I was wasn't as important as getting out of here.

I grabbed one of the cuffs with one hand and started to tug my arm as best I could without drawing attention to myself. I winced in pain as the metal scratched my palm, but after a few minutes, I was free. Now, all I had to do was wait for my chance.

"Do you know what happens to girls whose dads don't pay me back?" Marcus asked as I returned to the one sided conversation he was having with me.

"What?" I replied, glaring at him.

"I kill them," Marcus stated simply. At that moment, the man standing next to me looked away, and I seized the moment. I sprang up from my chair and in a split second, I had the gun cocked and in my hand, with the muzzled pointed straight at Marcus's chest.

I'd had experience holding a gun, so when it was pointed at someone, my hand didn't shake at all. One of the men came towards me, and I didn't hesitate in shooting a warning shot through the ceiling of the room. Marcus looked completely shocked for a moment before he regained his composure.

"Give us the gun, Sawyer," he ordered carefully, "You wouldn't want to hurt yourself."

"No," I spat, "You're going to let me walk out of here."

"Oh really?" the man whose gun I'd stolen said haughtily.

"Yes," Marcus said, surprising everyone in the room, including me.

"But Boss---" the man started to say, but Marcus put his hand up to signal for the man to shut up.

"Sawyer has a gun, and I for one don't want to get shot. She's already shown her capabilities with a gun." Okay, so I know it sounded extremely suspicious, but I wasn't going to pass up a chance to leave.

"Thanks," I said, easing around the wall to the door. Keeping the gun pointed at Marcus, I yanked the heavy door open and hurried through it. As it slammed shut behind me, I exhaled loudly and dropped my gun arm. Then, I started to sprint down the hallway.

I turned sharply around a corner and found myself face to face with a lean looking man, which was a big contrast to the beefy ones who'd been in that room. I cried out in surprise and raised the gun to his forehead.

The man smirked at me, and then quicker than I could move, he had his fingers wrapped around the wrist of the hand holding the gun. The man twisted my wrist painfully to the side, and then it cracked. I yelped and dropped the gun, and I cradled my now broken wrist in other arm.

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