"I have a feeling you both underestimate your abilities." She takes a sip of her tea. Oh, how I wish I could just pour all that tea on her. Maybe she'll melt.

"Trust me, you'd have better luck with tarot cards."

"Let's find out."

I look at Lydia then tilt my head at the women.

"Tell me, which one of these men are about to die."

My eyes widen and my mouth drops. I look over to the two men. How could she just kill one of them and ask me and Lydia who she thinks is gonna die?! She's out of her mind.

"How does it work?" She grabs an orange and a knife. I watch her hands cut the orange in pieces.

"Do you need to touch them, maybe I can give you something they own."

She puts down the knife but still keeps a good grip on it.
"Or is it just a feeling?" She smiles.

She's evil.

"We told you, we don't know." I continue to look at her fingers on the knife.

What Lydia said was the truth, we don't know.

"Just how close to death do they have to be?"

She taps the knife slowly over and over again. And I know what's happening next.

The women throws the knife straight to one of the guys. Lydia stands up and screams. I don't scream but I do stand up. I gasp at the knife to the mans body. I scream at the women,

"Why'd you do that for?!"

She only smiles at me, "he stole from me."

"What do you want?" Whispers Lydia, still looking at the man on the ground.

"Right now, I want to know about Scott McCall. I want to know what kind of alpha he really is."


Two men push me and Lydia into a room and the first thing we see is Scott chained down to a chair.

"Oh god." Lydia whispers.

The two men strap me and Lydia down to a chair the way Scott is.

I look at Scott, trying to ask him what's going on. But all he shows me is hurt and sorrow in his eyes.

"Let them go, you've got me, just let them go."

Scott is trying to get us out of this, and I love him endlessly for that. He's like my older brother.

Just then they pull Kira in and it looks like she's about to cry. And it feels like a sick game.

"This is a test, Lobito. Let's see if you pass. We're going to ask some questions. You answer them, nobody gets hurt. You don't answer, we turn on the dial." She exclaims.

He looks at Kira, "Do what they say. Okay? Whatever they want. I can take it."

"So we don't know where Derek is. We want to find him as well. You know who took him."

"What? How would I know that?"

"That doesn't sound like an answer to me."

"We don't know." I speak up, "why do you think we came here?"

She smirks, "Kira, turn the dial."

She shakes her her and refuses to even look at it.

"Should we turn the dial on the banshee's instead?"

"No, no! Do it, Kira. Do it." Scott says.

"Let's start at one."

Kira turns the dial up to one and it begins to shock Scott.

I start to tear up and tears stream down my face as I watch him. I can't stand seeing him hurt.

"Concentrate, tell me! Who actually has Derek? Who had a reason, a vendetta particular to the Hales?"

"I said I don't know." Scott grunts out.

"Oh, you don't know because you haven't figured it out yet! So think! Who could've taken him? Tres."

He looks at Kira as she refuses to turn the dial, "It's okay." He reassures her.

"Who had the power? The power of a shapeshifter?!" She yells.

"I don't know."

He grunts and I start to cry even harder, along with Lydia and Kira.

"Oh, someone who could have turned without you knowing. Turned, but not by a bite!"

" I don't know!"

"Diez!" She screams at Kira, "Diez!"

"Can you get turned by a scratch?"
"If the claws go deep enough."

"Say the name, Scott."

He looks up slowly.



"So you're just letting us out?"

All 5 of us walk out following the women and her "body guard."

"Don't push it, Scott." I mumble.

I wait at the jeep and lean against it with the other 3. We all watch Scott and the old women talk. Every other time, Scott looks confused. I'm the first to speak up.

"What do you think they're talking about?"

"I don't know, but let's find out." Says Stiles while walking up to Scott.

"So what now?"

"She thinks she knows a place where we can find Kate."

Malia gets off the car, "did she tell us where?"

"Actually, she's giving us a guide."

At that moment, a light skinned women pulls up on a motorcycle and takes her helmet off.

Oh. She's badass. I wish I had a motorcycle, but the others don't trust me with one. But they trust me with fighting all these supernatural creatures. Okay then.

"You know her?"


"Who's Braeden?"

Lydia steps up, "an mercenary."

"Right now, I'm the only one who's gonna take you to la iglesia."

"The church?"

"Where's the church?"

"It's not a place you'll find God."

And we're on the ride..


Throughout the ride, we have to explain to Malia and Kira who Kate is, the Hale family. And right when Lydia calls Kate a bitch, the jeep breaks down.

Scott takes off with Braeden and we stay to help Stiles with the jeep. I worry about Scott. He's like an older brother, I say that so many times, but it'd kill me if he got hurt...just like it killed me when Allison died..

After having to chase Malia after she chased something down and all of us leaving right away we got to the church. And it was the most shocking thing in the world.

"Is that him, is that Derek?"

"Sort of.."

Right when he picks his head up, it's not Derek fully..

But teenage Derek.

glowing eyes // liam dunbar | teen wolfWhere stories live. Discover now