Chapter 24: Funeral for a Jedi

Start from the beginning

"Are you hungry, Jon?" asked Luke. Jon nodded. "I'm sure the Imperials have got some kind of food on this ship." He went off in search of something for him and Jon to eat. Several minutes later, Luke returned with rations bars and cans of nutritive milk.

"This was all I was able to find," said Luke.

"I guess it'll do," said Jon. He opened one of the bars and bit into it. The flavor was very bland, which Jon didn't like. He took a sip of the nutritive milk, but that didn't taste much better.

"No wonder the Imperials are always so grumpy!" Jon joked. "They gave food that tastes like crap! Then again, the Ewoks were serving up some pretty...questionable food back in the village."

"How are Han, Leia and Chewie?" asked Luke.

"Good," answered Jon. "Mom got shot in the arm during the battle. But she's ok. Lando made it back in the Falcon before I came out here. Wedge, Shara, Kes and Norra are all safe and sound, too."

"That's great," said Luke. "From what you're telling me, the battles on both the ground and in space went well."

"They sure did," said Jon. "Me and Dad brought down the shield generator. Then the pilots destroyed the Death Star. Sounds like mission accomplished to me. Oh, and according to Mom, you were off fighting Vader and the Emperor."

"Yes, that's correct," said Luke.

"Why did you do that, Luke?" asked Jon. "You could have been killed!"

"Vader and the Emperor are dead," said Luke. "In fact, Vader's corpse is stowed in the cargo hold beneath our feet."

"Did you kill both of them?" asked Jon.

"Actually, Vader killed the Emperor to save me," said Luke. "And then he died as a result of that."

"Why would Vader wanna save you?" asked Jon. "I mean, he's already tried to kill you several times before. Not to mention, he killed Obi-Wan, destroyed Alderaan and tortured my dad, then had him in frozen in Carbonite."

"There's something you need to know about Vader," said Luke. "Leia already knows this, because I told her last night. But it's something I should have told you a long time ago, Jon."

"What is it?" asked Jon. Luke took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Jon could tell he was nervous. But what did Luke have to tell Jon that would make him feel this way.

"Darth Vader is-was-my father," said Luke. Along with Leia announcing that she and Luke were siblings, this news of Luke's was the second major revelation Jon Solo had received that day. And he reacted to these pieces of information in very different ways. After a moment of initial surprise and confusion, Jon was able to accept Leia's news pretty easily. But upon hearing Luke confess Vader was his father, Jon didn't know what to think. His first instinct was to go into a state of denial.

The Jon Solo Chronicles Book 3: Return of the JediWhere stories live. Discover now