Explanation !

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This was the very first story I wrote. I have others but I decided to delete them because they weren't written well. This story isn't written well either 😂. But, it did in fact get a little attention.

I've gotten a bit of comments as to why the ending was such a unclear traggic ending. I wanted to make this story unpredictable. I also wanted to make it based off of one of my favorite TV shows, "Cold Case".

So, just to make the story clear I'm going to give a brief description of the ending.

Jess was in an abusive relationship with Ethan for 3 years. She tries to tell Grayson her problem, but ends up not telling him due to the fact that she's scared Ethan will find out and end up hurting her even more.

Jess ends up going to a party when she finds Ethan cheating on her with another girl. Jessica gets mad and then finds the courage to break up with Ethan.

Ethan accidentally tells Grayson that he put his hands on her.

(Question: did Ethan actually love Jess?)

(Answer: no. He liked to Grayson to avoid the shit he was going to get from him)

Ethan and Jess end up getting back together because Ethan pursuades her into giving him another chance. But to Jessica's astonishment, she found Ethan cheating with the same girl again. She gets mad and Ethan tries to make her stay but he is unsuccessful at doing this.

Jess and Valery (the girl Ethan hooks up with) don't like each other at all. They have gotten into fights and all the shit.

Ethan and Valery are secretly in love with each other and are plotting to kill Jess because they don't want her in the way of their relationship.

Jessica's just wanted to leave but Ethan wouldn't let her. But, somehow Ethan thinks she wants to stay.

Ethan and Valery drug Jess and take her to a lake where Ethan proceeds to stab her multiple times. Killing her.

Ethan and Valery dump her body in the lake and are latter arrested because they were seen with her last.

Valery was killed in prison by a gang of girls because a few of them knew Jess.

Ethan has life to prison.

Author note: I hope this helps you guys. Tell me if I should write some more stories lol. Y'all prolly don't like me bc of tha ending. But anyway.. hope this cleared up any confusion that anyone had.
Also, have a good day, night, week, month, or year 😂

-nia 😈

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