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Jess POV:
"Hey babe" Ethan came from behind hugging me. I jumped getting scared, then calming down quickly.

"Hey eth" I said with a smile, turning around to meet his eyes

I felt the air brush between us. It was a warm, semi cool breeze. It made me feel like something bad was going to happen.

"Jess?" Ethan waved his hand in front of my face.

I snapped out of the trance that my thoughts put me in.

"Oh sorry" I giggled

7:41 PM
Jess POV
I decided to go to Ethan's house for a while. He didn't live very far so I decided to walk.

Hopefully he isn't doing anything important. I really want to see him.

I reached the door and gray answered.

"Hey gray, is eth here?" I asked him

"Uhhh y- yeah" he paused for a second

"Can I come in?" hoping he'd say yes or that would be awkward

"Um..yeah sure" he said nervously

What was going on with him?

"I'm gonna go to his room.." I said to gray walking up stairs

"NO! I he's busy" he nervously chuckled

"On a Saturday?" I giggled walking upstairs

I heard him mumble something, but I didn't really hear him.

I opened the door

"Hey, why is gray acting-" my whole body froze

It was ethan, with valery

"Um privacy?" valery said with a smirk

Ethan's head shot towards the door where I was at.

"Jess" he whispered

"Fuck you both. Especially you Valery" I walked up to her and slapped her hard on the left side of her head

She looked at me dumb.

I smiled at her.

"I hate both of you. Especially you Ethan. Especially you" I said while walking away

I could here Ethan tell her to get away from him in the distance

I was walking fast downstairs, and I heard a pair of foot steps following from behind me.

I expected it to be Ethan but it wasn't. It  was valery.

"Look it's not my fault your man wants me" she said pushing my into the wall next to me.

Before I knew it, I was swinging my arms at her face.

She eventually stopped trying to fight back.

I got her leg and dragged her to Ethan's room where he was trying to get dressed.

I picked her up and roughly dropped her on the floor.

"Keep your dog on a leash " I spat at him

He looked at me like I was psycho.

I started walking down the stairs when he called my name.

Ethan's POV:
"Jess!!" I yelled her name but she wasn't answering back

Fuck! What did I do!?!

I seen her start walking down the stairs. I decide to go after her. I grabbed me arm a little roughly causing her to jolt back a little.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT" she screamed at me. She was furious. You could see it in her light green eyes

She was beautiful when she was mad. But not when she was mad at me.

"Just listen to me" I said trying to calm her down

"No! You listen to me!! I'm not gonna hang around while you play around with other girls" she yelled again

"I'm sorry Jess" I tried to calm her down but she was just getting more and more mad at me.

She pushed me away from her roughly

My anger was starting to bubble inside of me. In just trying to calm her down, and she keeps yelling!

"Jess, stop" I said between gritted teeth

"And to think I actually believed you" she pushed me again

I felt all my anger go to my hand

I grabbed her by her the collar of her oversized t-shirt and began to pull her back

"You're not leaving!!" I shouted at her and she flinched

"Ethan stop, what are you doing" I heard gray say sounding concerned

"Gray she pushed me and she won't listen" I said angrily

But before he could say anything back Jess broke away from my grasp

She started running and I followed

Jess POV:
I ran from him. I ran until I came to the back door. I decided to hide in the backyard. I hid in the shed.

I heard Ethan open the back door. I held my breath.

Soon he went back inside. That's when I tried to make a run for it.

I opened the shed slowly and looked around. It was pitch black. The only light I seen was the street light. I followed the light.

I felt a pair of large hands grab my shoulders and swing me to the ground

I landed with a thud

"You aren't leaving Jess, never" he said with an angry tone in his voice

"I need you" he pleaded

"No you don't!!" I leaned back and kicked him in the stomach

He knelt in pain

I took my chance and started to run.
I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I heard him behind me. I started to panic.

I stopped dead in my tracks when out of nowhere I bumped into someone.


"Where do you think your going?" She smirked

She pushed me and pinned me down; shouting for ethan
I liked writing this chapter ;)

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