his brother

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"grayyyy I need the pencil back," I said stretching the y in his name.

He huffed, "fiiiine" dragging to i to mimic my action to get on my nerves. He gave the bright yellow pencil back to me.

"ethans supposed to come back to school on monday" he said after a couple minutes of silence.

My whole mood completely fell. I wasn't ready for him to come back. Not after what he did to me.

4 weeks earlier:
((("If you say something else I will kill you. If you even tell Grayson, you will regret it." ethan said between his gritted teeth holding my arm tightly.

"ethan your hurting my-" was all I managed to say before he punched my gut.

I tried to catch my breath, but he knocked the wind out of me. I started to fall down the wall slowly. He started to walk away.

I've tried to leave, I've tried to tell someone, I've tried asking grayson if he could help me. I just end up getting to scared and lying.

I have bruises, marks, scars, and horrible memories with this kid. He wasn't always like this though. He use to be a chill person. Then, one day he just started acting, well, abusive. )))

"Oh, that's cool" I said expressionless.

He gave me a weird look. "What's wrong jess?"

"Gray if I tell you something, you promise you won't tell anyone, "I said sternly.

He nodded his head yes.
yooo this probably gonna flop but ayyy
-nia 🥂

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