「Mr. lonely」☀︎

Start from the beginning

The potions classroom has always been freezing. But today it was something else. As soon as we walked in, a good breeze welcomed my face. The door made a creaking noise so Professor Slughorn turned around as soon as we opened the door. "Ah Ms.Lawernce and uh.. Ms.Thornwell I presume." I mentally rolled my eyes, Maya's family was famous in the social ladder. It's no surprise there that she would go recognized. I could tell by her expression she didn't like it either. "Are you both going to join us?" He asked with a bit of hopefulness in his voice. Maya nudged at my left shoulder indicating to get out of here. "Yes, we are." I nudged back meaning to give it a chance. "Ah good, now back to our lesson." Maya glared at me as we trudged to the back of the cold room. 'Why did they put this room in the dungeons.' I shivered from the cool breeze. Someone was staring, I could feel their eyes burn into my skull. I quickly turned around to find the culprit. To my dismay, it was the person that Maya had told me to avoid. He clenched his jaw, "Yes! Now partners! Ms.Lawerence with Mr.Kirkland" Maya turned to me and gave me a worried glance. I returned it with an equally confused look as she was dragged away with poor Adrian. Infamous for having both muggle parents. "An interesting mix Riddle and Thornwell!" Why couldn't I be paired with Adrian! I crossed my arms out of frustration. I quickly walked to the desk and opened up the book given to us. "Element potions!" These type of potions were super advanced! I looked at the blue covered book sitting on the table with big golden words that spelled out Element Potions. "Can't handle it?" A familiar voice said behind me. "Piss off Riddle", I sneered. "Back with last name bases?" He smirked while his voice was a snake convincing his prey to come closer. 'Wait what?', I rolled my eyes. "You know you can be so pesky sometimes."!He was beside me now. My shoulders hunch over while he was perfectly straight. "Good." The sound of his snake-like voice sent shivers down my spine. "Can we just get to the potion?" I snapped. Came out his lips was a dark chuckle. My nose wrinkled up at the sound of his laugh. I opened up the book and flipped to the chapter about water potions. "We should do this one," I said pointing to the steps on how to make a good night's sleep potion. "We should do a fire element." He states while shaking his head. My eyebrows narrowed, "No way! that is one of the most difficult ones! And may I add dangerous" I said rolling my eyes. He clicked his tongue, "Fire is much more of a challenge." Professor Slughorn came up to us before I couldn't even open my mouth. "Chosen an element yet?" The old geezer asked. "Yes, we chose water." I chirped while quickly changing my demeanor. Tom gave me a confused glance at the sudden change in moods. "No, we chose fire." He said with a small smile knowing the reaction he would get. Our professor quickly understood the situation. "I think water would be best, since ladies first." He then walked away with a smile. A smile of amusement formed on my face. I heard a slight growl escape my partner's lips. I turned to him "well that's that! Now let's do this potion." I could tell he was annoyed with my victory. I rolled up my sleeves and got to work.

The whole time while making the potion we were arguing

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The whole time while making the potion we were arguing. Even about the most stupidest things. "No! No! No! You are doing it all wrong!" I yell as he turns the handle in the pot. "Then how am I supposed to do it! It says turn the handle in the bot!" It was like that for a while. We both got sick and tired of arguing we stared to work quietly. As everyone finished presenting it was our turn. I was a bit nervous, hoping that it turned out well, Tom seemed pretty confident though, as always. "Mr. Riddle and Ms. Thornwell, what potion did you make?" Tom stepped forward "We chose the water potion for peaceful sleep." I ignore that little move he did and pushed him aside so I could get a chance to talk. Professor Slughorn was inspecting our potion. He grabbed a spoon and took a sip. I got nervous out of anticipation. "Perfect." He had all of us gather around. "Now you all did very well today! And I was very impressed by most of you! But now I must choose the winner! And our winner of the different elements potions will be Riddle and Thornwell!" Relief washed over me as I walk up to accept this mysterious prize. "Now if you all remember I said I would grant the winners a prize. Well here it is!" He grabbed two vials out of his robes, inside was a thick green substance. "Veritaserum other-wise known as the truth serum! It's good for one use! Use it wisely" he said while handing it to me. I looked at the truth serum, thinking of what I could use this for. I'm not exactly sure yet, but maybe I'll need it one day.

    Class was finally dismissed but I was last to leave, right along with Riddle. I'm telling you this was not planned, but since we had the next class together we ended up walking next to each other in silence. I glanced at him. He looked lost in a daydream, and I wonder what it could be that's troubling him. He's such a puzzle, yet I can see right though him. Sometimes. Suddenly I decided to interrupt his thoughts.
"Riddle why are you like this?" I ask while we walk toward DADA. "Like what?" I mentally rolled my eyes cause he knew exactly what I meant. "It's like...you're bipolar.." I respond. We were the only ones in this corridor so it was eerily quiet. The only sound you can hear was the taps of our feet hitting the ground. "Bipolar?" His face hardened. "One minute you're fine, the next you're" I stopped myself. 'I couldn't say scary. He'll see weakness in that.' "I'm what?" He had a slight tone of impatience. "You're you." I let out a shaky breath. Pain shot up my arm as I picked at my thumb. "Then that is just me." He had like different personas to him. "You know you're very easy to read, Tom," I whisper. My words were sweet and tender. "Is that so?" While he was cold and harsh. I nod, agreeing with his statement. "Mhm, I can see right through you." The soft voice of mine floated up in the air filling our ears with any sound. He laughed bitterly which startled me "I can see right through you, Serenity." If that was true I wouldn't let him. I had to complete the mission and move on. My heart raced as we reached the classroom. I turned to him while he opened the door. "After you, " He smirked. I felt my eyes widened and my eyebrows narrowed. "Oh shut it Tom." I scolded. I heard him chuckled behind me. "Back to first name bases? Seems like you're the bipolar one here." My nose wrinkled up at the sound of his statement. I rolled my eyes. He sure was a strange boy. He only made me more curious to find out more about him.

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