「Man on a mission」☀︎

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【Feelings are a lot of work and she felt everything♥︎】

I followed behind Professor Dumbledore. We stopped in front of a statue of a golden gargoyle. He waved his hands and said "Sherbet Lemon"
Once he said that the gargoyle was replaced by a golden staircase. He turned to me and smiled. 'Poor guy he has more wrinkles." I smiled back. We started to walk onto the golden stairs. "Now Miss Thornwell what I'm about to tell you is very important."

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I was shocked! I never thought something like this would ever happen in my life! I started laughing and waving my hand up and down. "Ok! Ok! Very funny! You got me there!" I laughed when I was nervous. This situation made my heart race. "Serenity this is no laughing matter." Dumbledore said sternly. I stopped laughing and faced him. "But...Just tell me the thing over again please!" My heart was beating so fast I could feel my ribcage vibrate. "A seer came up to me. And he said Tom Riddle was in trouble, and he said you had something that could fix it..that you were the key. He then told me a poem about the sun and the moon, kind of odd if I do say so myself. Serenity he said you were the key to saving the future wizarding world." I still didn't understand! My left hand squeezed my right arm. "I'm so confused...What exactly am I supposed to do?" I started to fidget around, squeezing my right arm to the point that it breaks the skin. Dumbedore didn't look so good, like his mind was scrambled. "Just... talk to him. He's a very troubled boy and a friend can put him on the right path." I panicked quietly in my head "Talk to him!? Have you met him? He is one of the most rudest boys I've ever met! And I haven't even known him for to long!" The more I think about it the more difficult this task is. "Just spend time with him. Try to make him see the positive side in life. You're good at that I've heard." I mentally slapped myself. 'Nice! I'm nice!' I had to admit I got my reputation of being nice quiet and shy by helping people in class. 'This is so stupid.' I gazed at the old man with anxiousness. "Well, do you accept?" I didn't want too, but what if it's the wrong decision 'Do what feels right.' I sighed closing my eyes, "I accept."

I sighed, I could feel myself stress over the significance of how important this 'mission' was! My gaze was fixed on the floor, I fastened my pace to get to my next class on time. 'What happens if I fail? Why did it have to be Tom Riddle of all people! Oh, bloody hell I'm going to fail aren't I! No stop think positive! Just turn left and Transfiguration!' I was so busy in my thoughts that I detect that there was an object right in front of me. I bumped into something. The push was so hard it sent me own my butt. I blinked as my eyes adjusted. My vision had cleared and I could see who I bumped into. "Riddle!" It was the exact person I was just thinking about! Quickly my first instinct was to roll my eyes at the sight of him. He must have noticed, "What." He snapped at me. I started to gather my things and then I realized that I had a mission to do. I stood up and stuck my hand out. Having no other solution and not wanting to make a scene he grabbed it and stood up. 'Turns out he's taller than me.'  I had to look up to make eye contact but got nervous so I started to pick up my books from the floor and he did too. "I'm sorry I can be so clumsy" I nervously chuckled. "Whatever." He finished grabbing his books, and went to the direction he was originally going to. I sighed and dusted myself off and noticed that he had left his journal. I quickly grabbed it and decided to chase after him but after a few seconds of running, I realized I was gonna be late so I ran in the opposite direction. I panted heavily and clutched onto my books. Once I realized I wasn't late I started laughing. "Please take a seat next to Caden!" Said Professor Dumbledore. 'I just saw this guy and he's acting so nonchalant like he didn't give me a mission that might not end the whole wizarding world. My eyes narrowed once I realized I had to sit next to Caden on the third row. He was on the left of me. He turned and smiled at me, I scowled at him and rolled my eyes.

During lunch I snuck to the perfects bathroom to read Toms diary. I sat on the toilet, and felt the leather beneath my fingers. 'Maybe this is a bad idea.' My guilty conscious wouldn't let me rest. But my curiosity had gotten the best of me. I quickly opened the book, hungry to see what the key was to this strange boy.  I flipped to a random page, it had a sketch of a ring in pen. 'He sure is a good artist.' It looked so realistic; the base had weird engravings, and it held up a stone. The stone had the sign of the deathly hollows engraved in it. 'You're going too far.' A low undertone voice whispered in the back of my mind. But curiosity won the battle between knowing and respect. "Horcrux????" The word Horcrux was circled multiple times to emphasize the importance. I flipped to the next couple of pages. Next was a drawing of a big eye drawn in black ink. Next to it was the poem I wrote. a small smile formed on my lips. The right of the book had the words written "The state of being calm and at rest. But the contradiction here was that they were the complete opposite." I quickly shut the book. I rushed out of the bathroom stall and went down to eat, praying I could forget what I just read. 'Curiosity killed the cat.' I thought.

Once they dismissed us to dinner, I  rushed out of the classroom to get to The Great Hall. I quickly grabbed a piece of bread and stuffed it in my pocket. Then I rushed to get to the  Library. 'I've been avoiding Tom all day! But I have so many classes with him! Astronomy, DADA, Divination, and Potions! I was always seated either near him or just straight up next to him!' I let out a huge sigh before opening the doors to the library. The reason was to catch up on Defense against the Dark Arts, unfortunately, was very bad at it no matter how interesting. I went to go find the librarian but I couldn't find her. Instead I sat there 'reading'. I was an earshot from a very intriguing conversation between Caden and Evelyn. "I have something I want to tell you." I could hear Eveylen say. She was clutching her book so tightly her fingers turned red like a strawberry! "What is it Evelyn?" Caden asked his voice soft and honeyed. My eyebrows narrowed, Caden was not to be trusted. "Well," I looked at Evelyn her cheeks turning pink like she heavily applied to much blush. "I" I silently cringed knowing full well what's she is gonna ask. "Like" The second-hand embarrassment was getting to me. Just imagine confessing your feelings to someone! How scary was that! "You" Her voice was breathy. What felt like hours was actually minutes of silence. Caden ran his hand through his ginger hair. "I'm sorry Evelyn, but I don't feel the same. I like someone else, but I hope we can still be friends." Evelyn's faced drained with color. She clutched onto the book even tighter now if that was even possible. Tears threatened to spill out of her eyes, she started to rush and get out of the library.

Caden walked away from the spot he was standing at. I got up to run after her, but I felt a hand grab my wrist stopping me from chasing after her. "Hey what are-" I quickly shut up realizing who it was. My heart raced inside of me. "You have something of mine." His voice was stern but at the same time flat. I started to breathe heavily out of panic. His grip on my writs tightened. I was scared. "First let me go," I said equally as sternly. He let go, I cradled my wrist. I handed him the dairy. "Did you read it?" His voice sounded tenser than before. "Not going to say hello? Tom, it seems that you have forgotten your manners." I smirked at my snarky comment. Then I realized something. My cheeks heated up after realizing my mistake. ' Tom!? You've really done it now!' I winced at the sudden realization that this was the first time I used his first name. His face showed a flash of anger, but like lighting turned to completely plain, then to something I couldn't really figure out. "That's the first time you've said my name, Ms. Thornwell," he states I blink in confusion. Then all of a sudden I heard a loud sob. "Since you got what you wanted, I'll be going. See you at detention." I quickly turned around. I made an effort to wave before turning around. I went to find Evelyn sitting on the floor crying, and makeup streaming down her face. "Oh, you poor thing." I sat down next to her and held her tight.

I was doing fine without you, till I saw your face, now I can't erase. -Tame Impala

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