The Worst Birthday

Start from the beginning

Hermione's eyes widened. "And you said yes." Harry nodded smiling. Hermione clapped her hands in delight, "Oh, that's wonderful Harry!"

"Congratulations, mate," said Ron. "The Auror programme won't be as fun without you, but if you're on Diagon Alley I'll be able to pop round and pester you at the shop whenever I want."

They spoke a little more about their prospects for the future while they ate their lunch and Harry told them about how Teddy was getting on. "He's getting so big, and he's able to change the shape of his ears and nose now as well as the colour of his hair and eyes. It's amazing how quickly he's growing."

"Yes," said Hermione raising an eyebrow. "From what I hear it's not the only big change at The Mill."

"What do you mean?" Harry said, feigning ignorance.

Hermione stared at him. "I mean the fact that Malfoy's moved in with Andy and Teddy."

"Oh," said Harry. "That."

"Yes, that . I was wondering when you were going to mention it to us."

Harry shrugged. "Dunno, it just hadn't come up in conversation yet."

"Considering Malfoy's trivial comings and goings used to dominate a good chunk of our conversations at school, I'm amazed that something like this slipped your mind," she mused.

"Look," Harry leaned closer and lowered his voice. "I'll admit that I wasn't happy about it when I first learned he had moved in, but Andy had already made up her mind before I even found out about it. How did you guys find out anyway?"

"Mum," said Ron. "She and Andy owl each other all the time. She says you've been visiting The Mill a fair bit since Malfoy arrived."

"Well yeah," said Harry. "I wanted to keep an eye on him for obvious reasons. From what I've seen though, he's...doing good. He's really helpful around the house, and he's great with Teddy."

"And you two?" Hermione asked. "You've managed not to kill each other so far?"

Harry laughed softly. "Yeah, I'm probably the most surprised at that."

"So, what?" asked Ron, his frown deepening as though he was feeling something unpleasant shift in him. "Are you two friends or something?"

Harry thought for a moment and nodded. "Yeah. We're friends. For Teddy's sake."

"Uhuh," said Hermione. She and Ron glanced at each other. "There's, uh, nothing else you want to tell us, is there?"

Harry shook his head. "Nope."

"Because you know you can trust us," said Ron. "No matter what it is, you can tell us."

"There's nothing to tell," said Harry, a little more forcefully than he intended. Neither Hermione nor Ron looked convinced. Harry grabbed the empty pint glasses and muttered, "I'll get us a refill."


As the afternoon wore on, Harry made his excuses and left the lovebirds behind. He Apparated to The Mill, eager to see Draco and the expression on his face when he handed him his birthday present. Striding up the garden path the door opened before he even had the chance to knock. Andromeda stood there looking grim.

"Andy!" said Harry, then frowned. "What's happened?"

Andromeda stepped out into the garden and closed the door behind her. "Draco received a letter from Azkaban this morning. His father has died."

The bubble of happiness in his chest burst. He gaped at Andromeda in disbelief. "Dead? How?"

Andromeda shook her head. "I don't know the details of it, but it looks like Lucius took his own life. Draco was the first person they contacted. He had to break the news to his mother this morning."

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